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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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May 18, 1939 The mezzo-soprano soloist, Juanita Bates, represented Collins in the state music contest at Iowa City Saturday morning, and came home with Superior. She now goes to the national contest at Minneapolis, Minn., which is held May 18, 19, 20. We're wishing her luck and know she will again come home a winner.

The regular meeting of the Citizenship league was held on May 3. The president called the meeting to order. The business consisted mainly of making plans for the educational trip and electing of new officers for the coming year. The new officers are: Richard Hand - president; Rex Beavers - vice pres.; Lorena Moore - sec'y-treas.; Norma Smith - reporter.

Assembly The 12th grade won the final round of the spelling context, defeating the 9th grade. Harriet Sheibley was the final contest winner. Flo Signs was the last one down for the 9th grade. Harriet will receive a day off from school for winning.

Election Everybody went to the polls Friday, when they elected officers and representatives for the coming year to act as student council members. The outcome was as follows; President - Harold Hale; Vice Pres. - Dorothy Carver; Sec'y-Treas. - Dorothy Titus; Senior Representative - Dick Holland; Junior Rep. - Gale Holmes; Sophomore Rep. - Anne Fish; Freshman Rep. - Thomas Tipton; Eighth Rep - Gene Fertig; Seventh Rep. - Buddy Renfeldt.

Veishea The members of the 9th and 10th vocational groups attended Veishea Friday. It has been mentioned by the groups that the physics building along with many others, was very interesting.

Vocational Agriculture Commercial seed corn companies have sent 33 samples of Hybrid seed corn to the vocational agriculture department to be used in corn yield comparison work. Twelve boys will raise 19 acres of corn this season.

May 25, 1939 Commencement, Alumni Banquet, Held Friday There was a capacity attendance at the Collins High school (auditorium Friday evening to attend the commencement exercises for the 20 young people in the class of '39. The Alumni banquet followed '' immediately after the commencement exercises and was held in the gymnasium. Committees had been untiring in their efforts to have the room beautifully decorated and the 17 long tables looked their verybest.

Supt. G. E. Holmes again announced that Jane Fish and Keith Shearer were the two young people chosen from the class of 1939 to have their names engraved on the Signs trophy. This honor comes to them because of their very fine service to the school and community throughout their high school career. The evening was closed by singing "Auld Lang Syne." The serving of this banquet was in the hands of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist church, with the junior class acting as waiters. One hundred and sixty-one were present and a movement was launched for the classes ending in naught and five to have reunions in 1940 and for the program to be furnished by these classes.

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