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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 1: 1882–Spring 1922

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Keagle, Song – High School. Debate: Resolved, that Iowa, in the future, should be an agricultural, rather than a manufacturing state. Affirmative: Alda Dodd, Earl Swisher. Negative: Blanche Brown, Dewey Kern. Song – High School. Literary Committee.

April 2, 1915 Collins High School Literary Society – Auditorium of the High School Friday, April 2, 1915. Program – Questions on Parliamentary Rules. Address to C. H. S. – C. W. Kirk, Song – High School, Humorous Reading – Clarence Jones, High School Trip – Mabel Kern, Instrumental Solo – Hester McConnell, Song – High School. Debate: Resolved, that rebellion against tyrannical government was justifiable. Affirmative: Leona Halterman, Charles Byerly. Negative: Joe Stanton, Pearl Wax. Song – High School. Literary Committee.

April 23, 1915 The Cambridge High School Baseball team defeated Collins last Friday on the home grounds by a score of 4 to 10.

May 6, 1915 High School and Business Men – The high school and business men had a ball game at the school grounds Friday afternoon, high school wining by a score of 9 to 7. Ray Carver was catcher for the business men and batted a home run, the ball going over to Arthur Vasey’s lots. While catching, a ball hit him at end of finger and drew first blood. There was a good deal of changes in the business men’s team. Fred Shearer pitched for them. The battery for the school boys were Dewey Kern and Harley Minear. The game was full of fun and a good crowd enjoyed it. The high school had the honors, although the business men played well, especially in the first innings.

May 27, 1915 Graduates Give Orations – The High School Literary Society’s program Tuesday afternoon was of even more than usual interest because of the three graduates giving orations. There was a numerous, interested, and appreciative audience, representative of the whole township. The graduates are young ladies from the country districts, a fact in itself indicative of the high value placed by the Collins Township people, outside as well as inside the independent district of Collins, upon the educational advantages of our city schools. The graduates’ orations were, “The Meaning of Success ” – Blanche Brown; “Self-Reliance ” – Alda Dodd; and “Motive Gives Life Its Value ” – Persis Fertig. The orations were marked by high ideals, pure and noble thoughts, and worthy ambitions, expressed in chaste and dignified language. At the close of the exercises the graduates received many deserved compliments for their superior oratorical productions which had given the auditors so much genuine pleasure.

The singing of the High School was much enjoyed, Leona Halterman being the painstaking accompanist. A pretty vocal duet was given by Mabel Tribby and Mabel Kern. Mary Bates gave a pretty solo on the piano, and Mary Holmes and Leona Halterman a duet on the same instrument. This latter number, on account of its bright rendering, was enthusiastically received and an encore demanded. Interesting and enjoyable readings were given by Clarence Jones and Mabel Vasey and Wayne Ball an essay. The toast list included one by Doris Keagle with response by Truman Stanton and one to the seniors by Dewey Kern, responded by Blanche Brown. A debate stirred the interest to the limit. It was: Resolved – “that suffrage should be granted to women. ” Pearl Wax and Mabel Tribby represented the affirmative and Lloyd Holland and Chas. Byerly, the negative. The judges were: Mrs. Lulu Robinson,

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