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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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March 3, 1939 Girls Basketball Season Summary: The girls' basketball team played their last game of this season last Tuesday when they defeated Fernald 50 to 25. For seven seniors, this game was the last of their high school career. Three of them, Harriett Sheibley, Dorothy Hennick and Leonora Vasey, have played three years on the first team. The other four are Velda Shickell, Jane Fish, Katherine Pritchard and Nikolene Hansen. Collins scored 903 points to their opponents 530 points. Harriett Sheibley was high-point scorer throughout the season, with 255 points. Dorothy Hennick was second, with 227. The Collins forwards averaged 37 points per game, while the guards have allowed opponents 22 points per game. This includes season and tournament games.

March 9, 1939 Boys Basketball Season Summary: The boys' basketball team finally came into the spotlight, of which they are very deserving. For several years, the girls have provided most of the thrills of the basketball season, but this year the boys furnished their share. We have to take our hats off to them, now, because they certainly did prove that they were capable of playing basketball. And heads up basketball, too! For the first time in the history of the Collins school the boys reached the finals in the sectional tournament. They did this by defeating Milford, Kelley and Slater. In the final game with McCallsburg, though somewhat demoralized by the loss of one of their regulars in the early part of the game, they played well. Congratulations to a fine basketball team! (Insert 2004: Box score not found)

Grade News First Grade: Edward and Charles came to school late this morning. The wheel came off the school bus. We-have a new girl in our room. Her name is Carol Atwood. We are keeping a March weather calendar. Every day we put a bunny on it. On nice days the bunnies wear hats. On windy days the hat flies away. We put snowflakes on snowy days. We have had five nice days and one snowy day. We made kites. Dickie's group are reading "Little Bear and the Honey." Keith's group are reading "The Very Big Basket." They are getting ready to play their story. Second Grade: Our room is all changed, with new Dutch pictures and kites all around it. We made a March calendar with a picture of a kite on it. Those who got 100 in spelling are; John Dolph, Joan Fertig, Charley Fish, Billy Hand, Charles Hofer, Richard Moses, Connie Neale, Mary Perry, Earl Smith.

March 16, 1939 Miss Naomi Gilley, Collins High school student, was named county winner of the recent essay contest on "How Can Iowa's Highways Be Made Safer?" which was sponsored by the Iowa State Safety council. The county contest was open to all high school students of Story County. In addition to being declared the winner, Naomi received an award of $5.00, which was presented to her at the high school assembly Monday morning by County Superintendent E. P. Schindler. Naomi's essay now is Story County's entry in the state contest, the winner of which will be awarded a trip to the New York world's fair or a one-year's college scholarship. Here's hoping for you, Naomi!

March 23, 1939 Would You Deface Your Own Property? It has come to a place that we feel there should be something said about the looks of the tables in the library. Somebody seems to think their initials look good carved on the tables. Would you, a pupil of the Collins school, gohome and carve your initials on your tables and other furniture? Those tables are put in the library for your convenience. It is a lot easier to work sitting at the tables, so why don't you as a pupil help keep them in good shape ?

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