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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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Third Grade News Spelling 100; Delores Gardner, Richard Smith, Josephine Smith, Jean Ann Marsh, Beverly Moore, Dean whitehead, Jean Ann Coughenour, Edward Barbee, Darlene Haley, Ronald Stratton, Ronald Halterman, Colleen Moore, Beverly Jean Liggett, Bobby Baker.

February 9, 1939 The Collins girls trounced Baxter on the latter's floor Tuesday night, 44-14. Leonora Vasey counted 20 points. The Collins girls scored another victory over Kelley Friday night on the latter's floor, 37-18. The Collins boys won one and lost one last week. Tuesday evening the Baxter boys won from Collins by a score of 49 to 23 on the winners' floor. Friday evening the boys won a conference game from Kelley, 25-24. The score at the half was 4-8 in Kelley's favor.

Collins Second in One-Act Play Contest The one-act play contest was held Wednesday, Jan. 25, with Maxwell, Colo, Cambridge and Collins competing. Colo won first with Collins winning second. Colo will compete against Huxley and Milford township.

Semester Honor Roll The semester scholastic standing of the following students was an "A" average: Jane Fish, Louis Hattery and Anne Fish. Those with "B" average were: Seniors - Hansel Hanson, Harriett Sheibley, Yvonne Signs, Marietta Struthers. Juniors - Dorothy Carver, Harold Hale, Dorothy Kracht, Jeane Tipton. Sophomores - Naomi Gilley, Maxine Heintz, Gale Homes. Freshmen - Mildred Kimberley, Gretchen Mead, Flo Signs. Eighth Grade - Claretta Duncan, Olin Pitcher, Colleen Stratton and Thomas Tipton. Seventh Grade - Gene Fertig, Richard Hand, Roger Huntrods.

Grade News - First: Dorothy Ann made a scrap book. She is putting pictures in it. Second: Mrs. Neese brought a sack of suckers to second grade for Delbert's birthday party. Third: Spelling 100 - Richard Smith, Norman Vasey, Josephine Smith, Mary Louise Altemeier, Jean Ann Marsh, Jean Coughenour, Edward Barbee, Darlene Haley, Paul Tighe, Colleen Moore and Bobby Baker.

February 9, 1939 The Collins girls trounced Shipley 52-21 Tuesday night on the local floor. Friday night the Collins girls won the South Story Six Conference by defeating Maxwell 33-22. Minnie Mae Sheibley was the high scorer with 13 points. The Collins girls have new suits to wear during the county tournament. The suits are white satin, trimmed with navy blue, the school colors. (Insert 2004: Second consecutive conference championship by the girls.)

The Collins boys lost to Maxwell Friday evening by a score of 34-32. The score at the half was 14 to 16. The boys came out of the half and ran up a lead of 28 to 20 by the third quarter, but couldn't hold it.

Assembly Wednesday's assembly consisted of talks concerning basketball. The talks were as follows; Mr. Harshaw - "What I expect During the Tournament." Minnie Mae Sheibley - "Why I Look Forward to the Tournaments." Dorothy Hennick - "Sportsmanship at the Tournament." Hansel Hanson - "Benefits Derived from Playing in a Tournament." Keith Shearer - "What We Owe to a Coach During a Tournament As Well as Other Times During the Season." Mildred White - "The Place of a Second Team." Lowell Carver - "What We Like from the Cheering Section." Mr. Holmes - Announcements.

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