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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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December 22, 1938 Girls' Basketball The Collins girls won an easy victory from Colo Tuesday evening on the local floor by a score of 51 to 13. The Collins girls defeated the Cambridge sextet on the latter's floor Friday night by a score of 45 to 17. Leonora Vasey led the forwards in scoring. Boys Win Two The boys took a double header last week. Tuesday night they defeated Colo on the home floor, 28-21. Good passing and defensive basketball was shown. Friday night the boys trounced Cambridge 32-17 at the latter's gym. Dick Holland accounted for 14 points, being high-point man. (On account of lack of space, the basketball Lineups had to be omitted this week.]

Assembly The seniors presented a pantomime entitled "A Modern Christmas." Vernon Shonk acted as father, Minnie Loo Fish as mother. Keith Shearer grandpa, Jean Kimberley grandma, Hansel Hanson as George, Jane Fish as Elizabeth, Dean Mabe as James, Wilma Kimberley as Annabelle. At the close, the other class members sang a carol behind the scenes.

January 5, 1939 the annual serving of hot lunches by the Home Economics girls will start Jan. 9. Season tickets for six weeks are being sold. Also tickets for two weeks and one week. Monday - Mashed potatoes and dried beef gravy, cinnamon toast, cocoa or milk. Tuesday - Cream of tomato soup, egg sandwiches, crackers, cocoa or milk. Thursday - Sweet potato and apple, meat sandwich, cocoa or milk. Friday - Creamed peas and carrots, jelly sandwiches, cocoa or milk.

Collins Conference Basketball Schedule: Jan. 6 - Slater at Collins. Jan. 13 - Collins at Huxley. Jan. 20 - Cambridge at Collins. Jan. 27 - Collins at Kelley. Feb. 3 - Maxwell at Collins. All conference games include both boys and girls.

January 12, 1939 The Collins boys trounced Slater in the second half of a thrilling game, 28 to 25. Slater was leading at the half 15 to 7. Collins came out at the half and chalked up 11 points, holding their opponents scoreless. Lineup - Hanson f, 12 pts; Carver f, 10 pts; Holland f, 4 pts; Shearer g, 2 pts; Fertig g, 0 pts; Westcott f, 0 pts; Coles g, 0 pts; F. Carver f, 0 pts.

The Collins girls beat Slater Friday night on the local floor by a score of 27 to 25. It was a thrilling game, with Minnie Mae Sheibley making 16 points. Lineup - H. Sheibley f, 4 pts; Hennick f, 2 pts; Vasey f, 5 pts; M. Sheibley f, 16 pts; B. Signs g; White g; Heintz g; Fish g.

That Essay Contest Some time ago everybody was commenting about having to write essays. But amid the talk came some good results. The students of the high school all participated in an essay contest with the title "How Can Iowa's Highways be Made Safer?" The essays were judged and the best two are sent to the county and from there to the state. Along the way various prizes are given. Now the catch! Do you know who won? George Kimberley and Naomi Gilley were winners from Collins high school.

January 19, 1938 Four Schools To Compete Here in Play Contest - Collins will be the host of a first round group in the County One-Act Play contest. The contest at Collins will be held on Wednesday evening, Jan. 25. The schools represented will be Collins, Colo, Cambridge and Maxwell. This will make four one-act plays in one evening. The admission will be 15 and 25 cents. Remember the date, Jan. 25 at 8:00 p.m. Come and enjoy a full evening of entertainment.

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