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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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School Annual The Student Council has been considering buying a school annual. It would be a bound book containing pictures of every class, class roll, and all activities such as music, basketball and baseball will be represented by pictures of each group. Mr. Apperman from Kansas City showed us a group of books Monday morning. Nothing has been decided as yet.

Girls' Basketball The Collins girls, under the leadership of Harriett Sheibley, defeated the Farrar girls 40 to 20 Tuesday night on the local floor. Lineup: Harriett Sheibley f, (39) 23 pts; Leonora Vasey f, (39) 5 pts; Dorothy Hennick f, (39) 12 points; Signs g; Katherine Pritchard g, (39); M. Sheibley g; Heintz g; White g; Velda Shickell f, (39). The Collins girls were defeated by Slater Friday night, 34 to 21, but they are determined to put up a better battle when Slater plays here Jan. 6. Lineup: Vasey f, 8 pts; Hennick f, 9 pts; H. Sheibley f, 4 pts; Signs g; Heintz g; White g; M. Sheibley g.

Boys' Basketball The Collins boys won their first game from Farrar by a well-played game. The boys made a good showing. The score was 26 to 19.

December 15, 1938 Christmas Program Next Wednesday On Wednesday evening, Dec. 21, a Christmas program will be presented by the high school and junior high students. A one-act play entitled "The Christmas Rose" will be given, with the following cast : Anne Fish, Isabelle Coughenour, Alice Smith, Mildred Atkinson, Forrest Pointer, William Huntrods, John Tiffany, Bob Mabe. Another one-act play entitled "The Tree" will be presented by the following: Charles Kimberley, Lois Hattery, Yvonne Signs, Gale Holmes, Gretchen Mead, Howard Hand, Bobby Keagle, Marietta Struthers. Music and tableaux will be furnished by the glee clubs and junior high groups. Admission will be 15 cents. A matinee will be given free for school children Wednesday.

Girls' Basketball The Collins girls defeated Huxley on the local floor Tuesday night, 31 to 21. Lineup: H. Sheibley f, 6 pts; Vasey f, 10 pts; Hennick f, 14 pts; M. Sheibley f-g, 1 pt; Signs g; White g; Heintz g; Nikolene Hanson f; Pritchard g. The Collins girls won a thriller from Maxwell Friday night on the latter's floor. Minnie Mae Sheibley made the last basket during the last minute of play to avoid an overtime period. Both teams fought hard, but Collins proved the better to win by a decision of 30-28. Lineup: Hennick f, 8 pts; Vasey f, 8 pts; H. Sheibley f, 12 pts; Signs g; M. Sheibley, g-f, 2 pts; White f; Heintz g; Pritchard g; Hanson f.

Boys' Basketball Collins high boys broke even last week, winning from Huxley 28 to 19, and losing to Maxwell 18 to 20. We haven't much to say on this game except we pity Maxwell when we get at them the next game. Lineup for Maxwell game: Hanson f, 5 pts; Carver f, 4 pts; Holland g, 3 pts; Shearer g, 5 pts; Fertig g, 0 pts; Hand g, 1 pt. Lineup for Huxley game: Hanson f, 11 pts; Carver f, 8 pts; Holland c 6 pts; Hand g, 0 pts; Fertig g, 0 pts; Shearer g, 3 pts.

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