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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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October 20, 1938 Baseball The Collins baseball team ended the season with a royal victory with a score of 23 to1 over Shipley. Many hits were registered by the home team, with Dick hammering out 2 home runs, a triple and a single. Dick was strike-out kid, by striking out 15 men in 7 innings and walking 2.

November 3, 1938 Education Week Soon; Visit School National Education Week was established by the American Legion and the National Education association. The purpose was to promote and to keep our interest stimulated in our schools throughout the land. As everyone is perhaps aware, National Education Week is the week of Nov. 6 to 12 inclusive. We invite the patrons of the Collins schools to plan to visit our schools throughout the week. You may choose your day and may spend as much time with us as you wish. We had thought some of building a special program around some theme and of presenting it on one of the days during the week, but have decided that one can see a school as it really exists only by visiting it on a day when the regular work is being carried on. We extend a most hearty invitation to you to visit us.

November 10, 1938 Famous Play to be Given Here The good news has leaked out at last! The junior class proudly announces that they have secured permission to produce the greatest dramatization every made: "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," based on the novel by that name, by the famous humorist, Mark Twain, at the Collins High school auditorium on Nov. 18. All the characters you read about in the original novel will come to life before your very eyes when you see this remarkably different play. Tom Sawyer will be played by Harold Hale, and his pal, Huckleberry Finn, will be played by Berle Robinson. Then there is Becky Thatcher, Tom's heavy romance - Amy Lawrence; Sid Sawyer, a born tattle-tale; dear, lovable Aunt Polly and many others. The play is now under rehearsal under the direction of Miss Ellen Holmes. Don't miss seeing "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," for to do so would be missing a rare treat indeed. The play is produced by special arrangement with Samuel French.

November 17, 1938 Grade News: Fifth Grade - Arithmetic: We have been having story and division problems; Spelling, 100: Bernice Hofer, Gordon Holland, Joanne Long, Norman Long, Franklin Miller, Loren Rhoades, Donald Snyder, Robert Titus, Eugene Van Pilsum, Jo Dean White. Geography: We learned that Chicago was the fourth biggest city in the world. History: We studied of the first reaper.

December 8, 1938 Honor Roll All students receiving a "B: average or above in regular subjects and music and rating satisfactory in citizenship will be placed on the high school honor roll. Seniors - Jane Fish, Hansel Hanson, Yvonne Signs; Juniors - Harold Hale; Sophomores - Maxine Heintz, Lois Hattery; Freshmen - Mildred Kimberley, Anne Fish; Eighth - Helen Deal; Seventh - Gene Fertig, Roger Huntrods.

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