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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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Dramatic club The Dramatic club held its first meeting of the year Wednesday evening after school. Tryouts were held to choose new members. The following officers were elected: President, Jane Fish; Vice Pres., Kenneth Kracht; Sec'y-Treas, Dorothy Carver; Reporter, Lois Kimberley. The social committee in made up of Donald Deal, Jean Kimberley, Karol Robinson, and the program committee is made up of Leonora Vasey, Norene Oswalt, Juanita Bates. The new members chosen are Marietta Struthers, Leonora Vasey, Jean Kimberley, Gretchen Mead, Flo Signs, Karol Robinson. Dorothy Johnston, Anoka Elliott, Mildred Kimberley, Alice Smith and Anne Fish. This makes a total membership of twenty-five.

Baseball The Collins baseball boys lost to Shipley last Thursday evening by a score of 9 to 10. Dick Holland did a good job pitching, but had little support.

October 13, 1938 The high school operetta "0nce in a Blue Moon" is going to be presented Oct. 21 in the high school auditorium. The characters are as follows: Moon Lady, Lady of the Blue Moon - Jeane Tipton ; Mrs. Montgomery, the hostess - Katherine Pritchard; Sylvania Montgomery, her daughter - Minnie Loo Fish; Leatrice Montgomery, her youngest daughter - Dorothy Titus; Mrs. Babbitt Morton, a home town booster - Hansel Hanson; Betty Morton, Sylvia's best friend - Juanita Bates; Mrs. Lila Lavender, still in mourning - Naomi Gilley; Billy Maxwell, a victim of circumstances, James Quinn, George Taylor, alias Bob Harrington - Keith Shearer; Sir Percival Chetwood, M. Rene Le Mon, pseudo plenipotentiaries - Lowell Carver, George Kimberley; Suzanne, the French maid - Nikolene Hansen; Hop Sing Hi, the house man - Kenneth Kracht; Skylark Roams, a detective - Vernon Shonk; Mooney, a policeman - Dick Holland. A large number of high school students are taking part in choruses and dances besides the regular cast. Many rehearsals are necessary for this production and it is being directed by Mrs. Forbes.

Grade News: Third Grade - Spelling -100; Beverly Jean Liggett, Dolores Gardner, Darlene Haley, Josephine Smith, Jean Ann Marsh, Richard Smith, Carol Tipton. Edward Barbee, Jean Coughenour. English: We tried to write interesting sentences. We studied the poem "The Cow." Arithmetic: We had story problems. Geography: We are studying about homes.

School Notes: A new scoreboard was purchased for the high school gymnasium. It is operated by remote control and may be reversed at will. It has a lighted dial besides four different colored lights which show the quarters. An automatic horn blows at the end of the eight-minute period. At the scorer's desk is an electric clock which records the time out.

Sports - Collins two hits, one walk: Farrar one hit, one walk. Score 5-1 favor of Farrar. The Collins boys after deciding that a ball game that was tied up 1-1 for three innings was too close, decided to commit 6 errors and give the Farrar boys a 4 run lead and the game. Dick pitched a nice game, allowing 1 hit in 5 innings, and walking one man. Carver and Hanson made the two hits for Collins.

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