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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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News of the Grades: Fourth Grade - English: We had usage tests. Arithmetic: We had a review of all addition, multiplication, subtraction and division facts. Science: Our test was over insects.

September 15, 1938 Howdy! Sit up and take notice! The school paper will again appear throughout the second year for your enjoyment (we hope!). In spite of extra hot weather, one week of school has been completed and all students are now back into their old stride. It is the general impression of students who attended school the first week that the teachers gave extra long assignments for the beginning of the year. Even so, the opening of school has given us all something to do and something to look forward to - vacations!

Baseball The Collins baseball boys started practicing the first day of school under the direction of George Harshaw, the new coach. Sixteen reported for practice, with five lettermen. There has been one casualty: Jack Fertig collided with a baseball. The ball was roughed up a little. The baseball schedule is as follows: Sept. 13 - Maxwell there; Sept. 16 - Farrar; Sept. 20 - Cambridge, there; Sept. 22 - Huxley, there; Sept. 27 - Maxwell, here.

September 29, 1938 The high school's annual picnic was held in Inman's timber Sept. 22. The freshmen were initiated and all joined together for a game of kitten ball. The highlight of the evening was the arrival of Jean Kimberley, Wilma Kimberley, Jane Fish and Minnie Loo Fish in an old buggy drawn by a horse old enough to vote. We enjoyed a thrilling ride over the stumps and hills. Sixty students of the high school attended.

Baseball A poor start is sometimes the symbol of a good ending. This seems to be the way of the Collins baseball team. After being beaten by Maxwell twice at the beginning of the season, they drubbed Cambridge 29 to 2. Last Thursday Collins beat Huxley 11 to 6 on the latter's diamond. Keith Shearer injured his knee at Cambridge and it isn't known when he will be ale to play.

October 6, 1938 Dairy Judging Team Competes at Cattle Congress, Waterloo, Iowa In competition with 64 other vocational agriculture schools, Forrest Pointer, Floyd Carver, Jack Stratton and Wm. Huntrods had the experience of placing 3 heifer and 5 cow classes of dairy cattle. One thousand dairy cattle and 250 Belgian horses, together with the well-known waterfowl show were viewed by the team. In the afternoon the boys visited the John Deere factory and saw $7,000,000 worth of equipment. In the evening they enjoyed a banquet attended by 300 students and their coaches.

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