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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 1: 1882–Spring 1922

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May 8, 1914 Collins High School Ball team played the Colo High School team on the home grounds Friday. The game ended in a victory for Collins. The score being 13-2. The high school certainly has a fine team, this being their 4th game, having never lost a game.

February 5, 1915 Story County Teachers Association – Nevada M. E. Church – February 5, Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. and February 6, Saturday at 8:30 a.m.

March 4, 1915 Supt. Kirk Writes on the Need of Consolidation for Country Scholars – After July 15 schools must teach agriculture, domestic science and manual training. Both agriculture and manual training are being taught in the Collins school. The equipment for teaching domestic science will be installed during the summer, ready for the opening of the new school year. Rural schools must equip for the teaching of the above subjects.

Just how one teacher may successfully handle eight grades plus these subjects is a problem yet unanswered. Experienced school men know she can not successfully handle the proposition. Who then shall furnish the boys and girls who are to be poorly taught? Shall you?

The state law makes provision for state aid to consolidated districts. Is not this a challenge to Collins and Collins Township to meet the requirements and give to the rural boy and girl as great advantages as the town child has? Eighty-two districts in Iowa have consolidated already. Now is the time for action and the matter should receive serious consideration from you if you reside in a rural district. Consolidation has its problems, but they are being solved. The percent of attendance in consolidated schools shows conclusively that transportation of pupils is being successfully accomplished. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, C. W. Kirk.

March 4, 1915 Notice of Annual Meeting – Collins Independent District Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of the Independent District of Collins in the county of Story, State of Iowa, that the annual meeting of the said district will be held at the Town Hall in the Town of Collins, Iowa on the 2nd Monday in March 1915 at 1:00 o’clock p.m. and closing at 6:00 o’clock p.m.

A director will be named for a term of three years to succeed H. W. Denniston, Vasey, one for three years to succeed R. C. Roberson. The meeting will be open for the transaction of such business as may legally come before you. J. S. Felshaw, Sec’y.

March 26, 1915 Election of Teachers – Another meeting of the school board was held Friday evening when three of the teachers were re-elected: Asst. Principal – Miss Duwe, Grammar Teacher – Miss Clara Signs, grades 3 and 4 – Miss McCrae, Supt. Kirk was re-elected at a former meeting. The primary department and grades five and six have not been filled. Several applications for both have been received.

March 26, 1915 Collins High School Literary Society – Auditorium of the High School Friday, March 26, 1915. Program – Questions on Parliamentary Rules. Song – High School, Original Story – Lorene Anderson, Instrumental Solo – Mary Bates, Our Class Prophesy – Virgil Randall, Reading – Doris

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