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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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March 14, 1938 Did You Hear? The school library has undergone a great change. It is now run like public libraries. The system of checking out books is somewhat changed. There are seven-day books, reserve and over-night books, reference books, magazines and periodicals. There are new counters, new book cases, and new paper racks. It not only looks like an up-to-date library, but it is an up-to-date one.

April 21, 1938 Baseball The Collins baseball team defeated Shipley April 12 at Shipley, 4-2. Robinson and Neale shared pitching honors for Collins. Collins 9 hits, 4 runs and 2 errors; Shipley 5 hits, 2 runs and 2 errors. The Collins baseball team now has two victories out of three games to their credit. Collins gained their second victory from Cambridge Tuesday night when they defeated them 7-1. Neale looked good on the mound, allowing 4 hits and striking out 8 men. Neale also led with hitting. Collins 7 hits, 7 runs, 3 errors. Cambridge 4 hits, 1 run, 5 errors.

School Notes A large group from the grades and the high school attended the circus on Friday at 9:00 in the gymnasium. The circus consisted of trained dogs and monkeys.

Assembly - The Dramatic club presented group pantomimes for the assembly program. The Soleland and Customer- Mildred Atkinson and Lois Hattery; The Photographer and His Subjects - Jane Fish, Ruth Atkinson, Minnie Loo Fish; The Plumber and the Maid - Kenneth Kracht, Naomi Gilley; The Stenographer and Employer - Harold Hale, Dorothy Carver.

News of the Grades: Fourth Grade - Spelling: 100 - Franklin Miller, Albert Vasey, Wanda Graham, Gordon Holland, Robert Titus, Patty Fertig, Dean Wolf, Jo Dean White, Donald Snyder, Bernice Hofer, Joanne Long, Eugene Van Pilsum. Reading: Our story was "The Minute Men." Arithmetic: We are working story problems. English: Miss Hunt dictated us sentences to punctuate and to spell the words correctly. Science: We are studying bees. History: We are studying Revolutionary War. Geography: We are completing our journey to Paris. Music: We are practicing the festival songs. Art: We colored an Easter lily, bunnies and chickens.

April 28, 1938 At a meeting of the Alumni officers of the Collins Consolidated school Friday evening, April 22, the following committees were appointed to make arrangements for the annual banquet to be held Friday night, May 20, at the close of the commencement exercises: Invitations, Lunch, Tables and Chairs, Decorations, and Entertainment.

Assembly Monday morning assembly was given in commemoration of the 234th anniversary of the printing of the first newspaper. Members of the paper staff gave talks concerning newspaper work. Lois Hattery gave "Pioneers of the Press." "Milestones of Press Progress" was given by Minnie Loo Fish. "Behind the Front Page" was given by Jane Fish.

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