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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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The high school declamatory was held at the school building Monday night. First in oratorical division was Dorothy Carver. Jeane Tipton won first place in dramatic, Ila Mae Pritchard second and Lois Hattery third. First place in Humorous went to Naomi Gilley, second to Juanita Bates and third to Nikolene Hanson. Music was furnished by the girls' glee club.

Junior High Tournament The Collins Junior high basketball team placed fourth in the tournaments. They lost to Welch of Ames 24 to 14 in the second round. Due to weather conditions the boys didn't play the consolation game which resulted in a forfeit to Shipley.

Grade news Fourth Grade - Science: We studied about the earth and its inside. Health: We made posters representing fresh air and sunshine. Geography: We are studying the nomads of the desert. History: We studied Daniel Boone and the first battles of the French-Indian war. Fifth Grade - Health: We are studying the boners in our body. English: we have been writing business letters. Arithmetic: We have been adding fractions. We are now studying cubic measure.

February 17, 1938 The State Preliminary Declamatory Contest will be held at the Collins High School auditorium, Tuesday, February 22. The schools competing will be Lamoille, Fernald, Colo, Collins. Other schools may possibly attend.

February 24, 1938 The assembly was a patriotic program, opened by the singing of "America." Talks were given by two fifth graders, "Life of Abraham Lincoln" by Kathleen Hanson, "Lincoln's Assassination" by Wanda Huntrods. The Junior High sextet sang "Slumber Boat." The rest of the program consisted of talks by members of the 8th grade: "If Lincoln Walked Among Us," Lavina Dodd; A Great American of Today," Gretchen Mead; "What It Means to be a Patriot," Ann Fish; "The Debt I Owe My Country and How I can Repay It." Karol Robinson.

The Junior Citizenship league met Tuesday and we had court. The court was quite successful with a good fight put up by both sides. The two attorneys, Bill Geisler and Donald Neale had quite a few witnesses. The jury hasn't reached a verdict yet, so court will continue Wednesday.

Sports Collins high boys lost their first-round game in the Story county tournament in the new Nevada field house last Friday, by a 27 to 23, score. The local five 'started strong and were out in front 8 to 3 at the end of the first quarter, but early in the second quarter both of Collins' guards, Neale and Holland, were ejected from the game on four fouls. Gilbert soon wiped out the lead and were out in front 14 to 10 at the half. In the third quarter Lowell Carver left the game on fouls, and in the final quarter Shonk fouled out. Collins missed, 17 free throws out of 24 chances. Collins lineup: Shearer f, 4 pts; Carver f, 5 pts; Hanson c, 10 pts; Neal g, 1 pt; Holland g, 0 pts; Robinson g, 0 pts; Westcott g, 0 pts; Shonk g, 3 pts.

Roland high won the class A championship, winning over Zearing 24 to 20, while Slater nosed out Huxley 17 to 14 to win the class B championship.

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