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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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Notice: The Collins basketball fans are to receive a much needed improvement. Yup, howja guess it, a new electrically controlled scoreboard is to be hung on the east wall of the gym in full sight. The shop boys, with the help of Mr. Mathews, are constructing the board.

January 13, 1938 Assembly - Monday morning assembly opened with school singing. Karol Robinson favored us on the piano with "Remember Me" and "Sweet Varsity Sue."

Basketball - Collins high won a double header from Cambridge Tuesday night. The Collins girls came from behind in the last 30 seconds of play to win 35-32. The Collins boys nosed out the Cambridge boys in a close game, 22-21. Last Friday evening Collins split their doubleheader with Huxley, the local girls winning 36-21, while the Huxley boys defeated Collins 34-23. (Insert 2004: No box score found)

Hot Lunch will be served every noon, except Wednesday, starting Jan. 17. Menus for week of Jan. 17-21: Monday - Escalloped corn, ham sandwich, cocoa. Tuesday - Dried beef on toast, cabbage salad, cocoa. Thursday - Hot beef and noodles, celery, cocoa. Friday - Spanish rice, lettuce sandwich, cocoa. The total price will be 7 cents. The hot dish will be 4 cents, sandwich 1 cent, cocoa 2 cents.

Collins Dramatic Club Presents 3 One-Act Plays directed by Miss Ellen Holmes, Monday, Jan. 17, Collins High School Auditorium at 8:00 P.M. "The Ring and the Look" Cast: Kenneth Kracht, Mildred Atkinson, Dorothy Carver, Donald Deal, Ruth Atkinson, Yvonne Signs, Lois Kimberley, Jane Fish. "Pearls" Cast: Minnie Loo Fish, Juanita Bates, George Kimberley, Harold Hale. "My Cousin from Sweden" Cast: Dorothy Kracht, Norene Oswalt, Isabelle Coughenour, Nikolene Hansen, Naomi Gilley, Lois Hattery, Doris Brown. Stage Manager - Jeane Tipton; Ass't. Manager - Richard Holland; Make-up - Gola Mullihan; Costumes - Daisy Renfeldt; Assistants- Betty Crabb, Ila Mae Pritchard. Admission: 15 and 25 cents.

January 20, 1938 Basketball - Slater: Girls - Slater 11, Collins 25. Lineup: H. Sheibley f, 0 pts; M. Sheibley f, 0 pts; Vasey f, 15 pts; Hennick f, 10 pts; Mullihan g; Perin g; Signs g. Boys - Slater 21, Collins 16. Lineup: Shearer f, 6 pts; Carver f, 7 pts; Robinson f, 0 pts; Hanson f, 0 pts; Holland g, 2 pts; Neal g 1 pt. Colo: Girls - Colo 16, Collins 40. Lineup: H. Sheibley f, 10 pts; M. Sheibley f, 0 pts; Vasey f, 15 pts; Hennick f, 4 pts; Pritchard f, 0 pts; Perin f, 11 pts; Mullihan g; Signs, g; Heintz g; White f; Fish f; Shiekell f. Boys - Colo 9, Collins 15. Lineup: Shearer f, 6 pts; Robinson f, 0 pts; Carver f, 4 pts; Hanson g, 0 pts; Neale g, 1 pt; Holland g, 4 pts.

January 27, 1938 The high school declamatory contest will be held on Jan. 31 in the high school auditorium at 8:00. In the Oratorical group, Dorothy Carver will speak "We-The People-and Peace." Dramatic, Jeane Tipton - "The Cornhusk Doll;" Ila Mae Pritchard - "Passing By on the Other Side;" Betty Crabb - "The Silver Lining;" Lois Hattery - "The Tall Stranger." Humorous, Naomi Gilley - "Susie Slake's Vacation;" Nikolene Hanson - "Pig-tail Days;" Juanita Bates - "Carrie in Hollywood."

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