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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 1: 1882–Spring 1922

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pupils, giving patrons and visitors a knowledge of the superior work of the Collins teachers and pupils. The interest taken in the exhibits was very marked and much approval expressed.

In the afternoon the proceedings were centered in the auditorium. Supt. Kirk presided and the following was the program: Song – Primary, Rec. – “When Brother Works Arithmetic ” – Ester Stratton, Dialogue “The Ghost ” – 3rd and 4th grades, Dolly Show – Primary Girls, Rec. – Martha Thompson, The Color Fairies – 5th and 6th grades, The Rainy Daisies or Parsols – 3rd and 4th grades, Doll Exercise and Song – Primary, Rope Work – 5th and 6th grade Boys, “Star Spangled Banner ” and Drill – High School and 7th and 8th Grades. The program was very enjoyable and satisfactory.

State Supt. Deyoe’s address on consolidation of schools was convincing. He met the objections to consolidation with a remarkable fairness: Out of those who have tried consolidation, 95% are still in favor of it. It gives the country boys and girls as good an education as those living in town and the means of travel was shown to be a success. An average of two days in each winter was the limit that the children could not be conveyed to the central school. There was a great advantage in the superior education and consequent saving of years of time and much expense to those who wished a better education for their children than the present country school afforded. It meant better schools, better education, better citizenship.

April 4, 1914 Seniors Entertained Saturday evening, April 4, 1914 the seniors were delightfully entertained by Misses Vilda Thompson and Ethel Stratton, at the home of the latter; all of the class but one being present. The evening was spent in games and music. Then the class was ushered into the dining room, which was beautifully decorated with the class colors, and a two-course luncheon was served by Mrs. Stratton and Miss Eva King. The class departed pronouncing Vilda and Ethel royal entertainers.

April 23, 1914 High School Ballgame The Collins High School played the Rhodes High School last Friday at Rhodes. The game was disastrous for Rhodes as the following shows: Collins 17 runs on 11 hits and 15 errors. Rhodes 8 runs on 8 hits with 18 errors. The lineup for Collins: Carver – (p & 3b), Shearer – (1b), Ralph McCord – (1914) (p & 3b), Dewey Kern – (1916) (cf), Edwin Fish – (1914) (ss), Lloyd Holland – (1917) (2b), Harley Minear – (lf), John Hattery – (1914) (rf), Arlow Heinrich – (1914) (c). Time of game – 2 hrs. & 59 mins.

April 24, 1914 Alumni Association Meeting Friday evening, April 17, 1914 meeting was called to order by president. Report of constitution and bylaws by committee. Motion was made and carried that we will wait until the alumni banquet before we take action on the constitution and bylaws. Banquet to be held Friday evening, May 22. Election of committees as follows: Invitation – Iva Dickson, Bessie Carver, Maude Stigler. Lunch – Clara Shearer, Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. A. Vasey. Program – Aura Harmsen, Hazel Marsh, W. J. Burney, Lula Kennedy, Clara Signs. Decorating – Oliver Shearer, John Thompson, Leon Keagle, Ethel Carver, Maye Suthern. Lookout – Mrs. Boydston, Chas. Vasey.

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