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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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Dramatics At a recent meeting of the Dramatic club the club was reorganized for the coming year: The officers are as follows: Pres. - Minnie Loo Fish; Vice Pres. - Ruth Atkinson; Sec'y.-Treas., - Norene Oswalt. The program consisted of try-outs for new memberships. The following are the new members for the coming year: Jane Fish, Gola Mullihan, Yvonne Signs, Lois Kimberley, Doris Brown, Isabella Coughenour, Mildred Atkinson, Ila Mae Pritchard, Lois Hattery, Betty Crabb, Richard Holland, Juanita Bates, Daisy Renfeldt and Naomi Gilley.

Tomorrow Night - Where's Adeline? Well, I know. You will see her at the High School Carnival on Oct. 15 at the school building. She will be there to perform some antics. Don't miss the one-act play Adeline Antics as part of the program of the Carnival. Did you ever play Bingo? No? Well you will Friday night when you see the many prizes that will be given away, and these are valuable prizes too.

October 21, 1937 The Junior class of Collins will present a 3-act comedy-drama entitled "The Eagle Screams," on Oct. 22 in the high school auditorium. The play represents a human and honest portrait of what transpires behind the scenes in Mayor Ten Eyck's office in the City Hall building of Bolton, a medium-sized American city. Cast is: The Honorable Carson, Ten Eyck, Mayor - James Quinn; Mrs. Ten Eyck-Wilma Kimberley; Sharon Ten Eyck-Jane Fish; Lulu Tappen, mayor's secretary-Minnie Loo Fish; Mrs. Tillie Doakes, who collects things-Jean Kimberley; Spot North, Mayor's business manager-Lowell Carver; Wally Bolton - Hansel Hanson; Mrs. Mary Adams, a poor old woman-Leonora Vasey; Jerry Trent, who nourishes ideals-Yvonne Signs; Edith Maylon, newspaper woman-Dorothy Hennick; Philip Fulton, a young man-Bill Robinson; John Griggs, a doorman- Keith Shearer. Admission, 15 and 25 cents. Reserved seats on sale at the West Side Barber Shop.

October 28, 1937 News of the Grades: First: Brownie and Greenie came to visit us one day. They are turtles. They live in a bowl. It wad fun watching; them climb on the rocks.

Second: Ronald Stratton made a turtle out of clay. It looks like "Greenie." Third: English - We learned to spell the days of the week. Health - We studied about milk. We need milk every day. Arithmetic - We are studying addition facts. History - We read about George Washington. Music - Our new song was "In the Days of Old." Fourth: English - We studied quotations. Science - Wasps are skillful in making their homes. The social wasps live and work together. Arithmetic - We are beginning the study of addition of fractions.

Junior High News: The Junior high students have formed a club. It is known as the Junior High Citizenship League. They took charge of a booth during the carnival and they will take charge of a booth at the Short Course and Poultry Show. Their booth will be on character education and safety. Their annual dues are 25c per year and they have ordered emblems to wear. The officers are as follows: President - Jack Fertig; Vice Pres. -Anne Fish; Sec'y. - Gretchen Mead. The eighth grade had a very interesting debate in social science Friday. Resolved: That the Indians were not justified in opposing the land seizures of the white man. On the affirmative side: William Huntrods, Donald Neale. Reid Beavers and Charles Shearer. On the negative side: Gretchen Mead, Anne Fish. Lavina Dodd and Flo Signs. The chairman was Karol Robinson. The judges were Harriet Cooper, Dorothy Johnston. Luella Dolph, Jack Fertig and Wendell Coles. The debate was won by the negatives.

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