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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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The high school and junior high classes took time out to organize. The officers for the classes are as follows: Senior Class: President-Brownie Neale; Vice President-Bill Robinson; Sec.-Treas.-Ruth Atkinson; Class Reporter-Betty Mead; Class Mother-Mrs. Coles; Class Sponsors-Miss Swanson, Mr. Holmes. Junior Class: President-Vernon Shonk; Vice Pres.-Dorothy Hennnick; Sec-Treas.-Lowell Carver; Reporter-Keith Shearer; Class Mother-Mrs. Fish; Class Sponsor-Miss McKinney. Sophomore Class: President-Berle Robinson; Vice Pres.-Dorothy Carver; Sec-Treas.-Dorothy Kracht; Reporter-Jean Tipton; Class Mother-Mrs. Kracht; Class Sponsor-Miss Holmes. Freshman Class: President-Gale Holmes; Vice Pres.-Bonnie Signs; Sec-Treas.-Lois Hattery; Reporter-Dorothy Titus; Class Mother-Mrs. Mabe; Class Sponsor-Mr. Mullen.

8th Grade: President-Karol Robinson; Vice Pres.-Jack Fertig; Sec-Treas.-Gretchen Mead; Reporter- Charles Kimberley; Class Mother-Mrs. Fertig; Class Sponsor-Mr. Mathews. 7th Grade: President-Thomas Tipton; Vice Pres. - Jacqueline Everts; Sec-Treas. - Helen Jean Renfeldt; Reporter - Olin Pitcher; Class Mother - Mrs. Pitcher; Class Sponsor - Miss Signs.

The Monday morning assembly opened with a welcome to the 7th grade by Ruth Atkinson, and the response was given by Thomas Tipton. The 7th grade provided the program. It consisted of an accordion solo by Olin Pitcher, and a piano duet by Marvin and Dean Wolf.

The Collins High School baseball nine lost the opening game of the fall season to Maxwell 11-2.

Social The faculty had a meeting at the home of Supt. Holmes Monday night. The topic for discussion was, "Character Education."

September 30, 1937 Baseball Collins High chalked up their first win of the fall baseball season, defeating Farrar 5-2. Neale on the mound for Collins allowed 4 hits and struck out 12.

Collins High school won a thriller from Maxwell Tuesday evening, 5-4, in 10 innings. Maxwell had previously defeated the Collins boys by a top-heavy score. Collins banged out 14 hits to 8 for Maxwell. Tuesday's box score: Lineup: Keith Shearer (39) c, 1 hit; Lowell Carver (39), ss, 2 hits; Wm. (Bill) Robinson, (38) 3b, 0 hits; Wilford (Brownie) Neale (38) , p, 2 hits; Richard Holland (40), 2b, 2 hits; Wm. Oswalt (38) , rf , 1 hit; Chase Westcott (41) , 1b, 2 hits; Harold Hale (40), cf, 2 hits; Garth Patterson (40), lf, 0 hits; Harold Huffaker (38), lf, 0 hits; Donald Deal (40), lf , 0 hits.

The Junior class play has been selected. It is a comedy-drama entitled "The Eagle Screams." Cast is: Yvonne Signs, Hansel Hanson, Minnie Loo Fish, Lowell Carver, Nikolene Hansen, Jean Kimberley, Wilma Kimberley, Dorothy Hennick, Lenora Vasey, Jane Fish, Keith Shearer, Vernon Shonk, James Quinn.

A group of Voc-Ag Boys, accompanied by Mr. Mathews and C. H. Kimberley went to Iowa Falls to see the hogs Duroc Swine Breeders Association raise. At the Meyers farm they had the good fortune to see two 1937 Iowa state fair champions. One was a pure-bred Spotted Poland yearling boar and the other a pure bred Spotted Poland yearling sow.

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