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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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The Collins Consolidated school faculty for the ensuing year' is composed of the following: G. E. Holmes-Supt.; Melvina Swanson-Principal and Mathematics; Vernon Mathews-Voc. Agriculture; Lorna Mae McKinney-Home ec.; Ellen Holmes-English; Robert Mullin-Coach, Social Science; Clara Signs-Junior High; Marjorie Byal-Elementary Principal; Dorothy Hunt- Departmental English and Spelling; Juanita Hyde-Departmental Science, Geography; Mrs. Elizabeth Forbes-Music, Art, History; Lila Larson-Second Grade; Mildred Kissinger - First Grade; J. R. Compton-Band.

September 16, 1937 About 11 bsoys responded to the first call for baseball practice Monday night. The boys will be handicapped this year, due to a lack of experience, six of last year's regulars being lost by graduation. The schedule is as follows: Sept. 17-Maxwell, here; Sept. 21-Huxley, there; Sept. 23-Farrar, here; Sept. 28-Maxwell, there; Sept. 29-Shipley, there; Oct. 1-Huxley, here; Oct. 5-Farrar, there; Oct. 6-Shipley, here; Oct. 8-Cambridge, there; Oct. 12-Cambridge, here.

Second Grade News: We have two turtles. We named them "Greenie" and "Brownie." We have a green caterpillar. We took a walk last Wednesday. We saw many things.

The Student Council held its first meeting on Wednesday. At this time they selected students for the different school committees for the year. The committees are as follows: Assembly, Social, Recreational, Publicity and Library. They held their second meeting on Monday, at which time they chose the paper staff: The paper staff is: Jane Fish - editor-in-chief; Robert Snyder - assistant editor; Lowell Carver - boys' sports editor; Minnie Loo Fish - girls sports editor; James Quinn - jokes editor; Lois Hattery - personal editor.

September 2, 1937 News Notes of Collins School The first grade vacancy has been filled by Jenette Swenson. Our busses will have right front doors when school starts. This is in compliance with the state law. Students are to pass in front of the bus when crossing the road. In this way the driver has complete view of the student until he is safely across the road. An evening school will be organized in our vocational agriculture department this year.

Vocational Agriculture has been included in the course of study in the Collins Consolidated schools for a number of years. Vocational agriculture is a course of study set up by the Smith-Hughes Act of the 64th Congress and accepted in Iowa by the 37th General Assembly. This Act provides for co-operation between the Federal Government and the States in promoting and financing vocational education, trades and financing vocational education, trades and industries and homemaking. Vocational agriculture is primarily adapted to farm boys who desire to become established in an agricultural occupation.

September 23, 1937 The South Story Basketball memberships are the schools of Cambridge, Collins, Huxley, Kelley, Maxwell and Slater. Trophies will be awarded to winning teams.

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