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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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The students with the high scholarship average for the entire school were: Seventh grade - Flo Signs, Gretchen Mead, Ann Fish, Karol Robinson; Eighth grade - Louis Hattery, Gale Holmes: Ninth grade - Jeane Tipton, Dorothy Kracht; Tenth grade - Jane Fish, Iris Huntrods, Harriett Sheibley; Eleventh grade - Ross Tipton, Robert Snyder; Twelfth grade - Lucile Huntrods, Eileen Vasey.

May 20, 1937 Following the Commencement exercises on Friday evening, May 14, the annual Alumni banquet was held in the high school gymnasium with 175 guests. The program was given under the leadership of Mrs. Lloyd Holland. Mrs. Holland introduced Miss Clara Signs, who presented the Signs Trophy Cup to the Alumni in memory of her 25 years of service as a teacher in the Collins school and to be used as a continuation of the Hollingsworth Trophy, which was completed in 1936. Supt. Holmes introduced Eileen Vasey and Norman Stevens as rendering distinguished service and whose names are engraved on the Signs Trophy, and Lucille Huntrods as valedictorian of the class. Officers elected for the coming year are: President, Ferne Carver; Vice President, Clara Signs; Sec'y-Treas., Mary Tomlinson.

August 26, 1937 Notice to Collins School Patrons Please, do not forget that our registration schedule is somewhat different than it has been heretofore. The schedule is as follows: Twelfth grade registration Mon. and Tues., Aug. 30-31. Eleventh grade registration Tues. and Wed., Aug. 31, Sept. 1. Tenth grade registration Wed. and Thursday, Sept. 1, 2. Ninth grade registration Thurs. and Fri., Sept. 2, 3. Junior high and elementary grades will receive their rental books on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 4. The other students will receive their rental books and locker keys on the days they register. My office will be open from nine until twelve and from one until four each day of the week beginning Aug. 30.

New and different, report cards will be used this year. There will be three types: one-for grades one, two and three, one for grades four, five, six and seven, and one for the eighth grade and the senior high. This report card is fuller and gives a better cross section of the pupil and his work than have the cards used in other years. As citizenship is one of the greatest factors in school life, I am sure that this new type card will check the various citizenship points more closely.

New students entering the ninth grade from the rural schools, please bring your certificate -of promotion with you when you register. School begins Monday, Sept. 6.

The Collins Consolidated school faculty for the ensuing year' is composed of the following: G. E. Holmes-Supt.; Melvina Swanson-Principal and Mathematics; Vernon Mathews-Voc. Agriculture; Lorna Mae McKinney-Home ec.; Ellen Holmes-English; Robert Mullin-Coach, Social Science; Clara Signs-Junior High; Marjorie Byal-Elementary Principal; Dorothy Hunt- Departmental English and Spelling; Juanita Hyde-Departmental Science, Geography; Mrs. Elizabeth Forbes-Music, Art, History; Lila Larson-Second Grade; Mildred Kissinger - First Grade; J. R. Compton-Band.

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