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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 4: Fall 1935–Spring 1941

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The baccalaureate service for the 21 members of the graduating class of Collins High school will be held in the Collins Church of Christ on Sunday evening, May 9, at 8 o'clock. The sermon, "What We Shall Be," will be delivered by the Rev. Ida I. Roberts, pastor of the Collins Methodist Church.

May 13, 1937 The Senior class of Collins High school gave their final stage presentation at the high school auditorium Friday night when a capacity audience attended the Senior play "Angel Unawares." Play cast: Norman Stevens, Eileen Vasey, Claire Fish, Delmar Halterman, Ada Inman, Lucille Huntrods, Coral Vasey, Gale Oswalt, Charles Vasey, William Kimberley. Music for this highly entertaining and successful production was furnished by the high school orchestra.

Commencement Exercises, Collins High School, Friday May 14, 1937


Processional .......................Mrs. Forbes

Invocation .......................Rev. Thompson

Clarinet Solo Scintilita" (Perkins) ..............Kenneth Cripe

Mrs. Louise Moore, Accompanist

Introduction of Speaker ................Supt. G. E. Holmes

Address .............. Dean Helser of Iowa State College

Presentation of Class ................Supt. G. E. Holmes

Presentation of Diplomas................ A. W. Kracht

President Board of Education

Benediction .......................Rev. Ida Roberts

CLASS MOTTO: "Not Sunset, but Dawn" Colors: Blue and Gold Flower: Jonquil

CLASS ROLL: Mamie Dell Evans, Claire M. Fish, Fred A. Hand, Russell L. Hand, Delmar G. Halterman, Roland E. Holmes, Lucile C. Huntrods, Ada Annette Inman, Dale A. Jay, William I. Kimberley, Clarence G. Oswalt, Doris Arlene Rhoads, William R. Sheibley, Donald L. Smith, Marvin R. Snyder, Norman B. Stevens, Bernice Shenkle, Maxine M. Townsend, Charles A. Vasey, Coral M. Vasey, Eileen A. Vasey. )

May 20, 1937 The Collins school achievement night was held Wednesday, May 12, when awards and medals were given the high ranking students. Presentation of present Student Council - Elizabeth Breeden; Presentation of new Student Council - Eileen Vasey; Presentation of Senior Class - Supt. Holmes; Class Will - Charles Vasey; Presentation of gift to school by Seniors - Norman Stevens; Presentation of Valedictorian - Ada Inman; Valedictory Address - Lucile Huntrods.

Presentation of school medals and awards - Supt. G. E. Holmes: In athletics, the following were letter winners: Baseball - Charles Vasey, Russell Hand, Dale Jay, Marvin Snyder, Wilford Neale, Bill Robinson, Lowell Carver, Keith Shearer, Richard Holland. Basketball: Charles Vasey, Russell Hand, Marvin Snyder, Bill Sheibley, Fred Hand, Hansel Hanson, Keith Shearer, Lowell Carver. Girls basketball: Claire Fish, Lucile Huntrods, Gola Mullihan, Harriett Sheibley, Leonora Vasey, Minnie Loo Fish, Dorothy Hennick, Maxine Huntrods.

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