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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 1: 1882–Spring 1922

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program. The high school chorus sang excellently with a tone that compelled admiration. The accompaniment on pianos were Mrs. G. E. McCord for orchestra and Miss Jennie Hall for vocal music.

March 5, 1914 Notice of Annual Meeting – Collins Independent District Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of the Independent District of Collins in the county of Story, State of Iowa, that the annual meeting of the said district will be held at the Town Hall in the Town of Collins, Iowa on the 2nd Monday in March 1914 at 1:00 o’clock p.m. and closing at 6:00 o’clock p.m.

A director will be named for a term of three years to succeed C. G. Vasey, one for three years to succeed Oscar Anderson, and a treasurer for two years to succeed W. H. Thompson. The meeting will be open for the transaction of such business as may legally come before you. J. S. Felshaw, Sec’y.

March 12, 1914 School Election At the school election Monday, C. G. Vasey and C. R. Wick were elected directors. W. H. Thompson was elected treasurer with no opposition. 86 ballots were cast and one was spoiled. The judges of the election were J. W. Shenkle and W. W. Wood. E. J. Kielley was clerk. The vote was as follows: For directors, two vacancies. Oscar Anderson - 34, G. F. Holland –18, L. E. Patterson – 25, C. G. Vasey – 53, C. R. Wick – 39. For treasurer, W. H. Thompson – 81.

March 19, 1914 School Board Meeting The old board met Monday night. Bills were allowed.

The newly elected directors, C. G. Vasey and C. R. Wick took the oath of office. The new board met, with Dr. Richardson as temporary and permanent chairman: He was elected president of the board. He appointed H. C. Denniston and C. R. Wick as financial committee. Dr. Robertson and C. G. Vasey, committee on grounds and buildings. On motion the board engaged Rev. Medbury as speaker at graduation exercises. C. W. Kirk was re-engaged as superintendent of the schools for the next two years at a salary of $1400 per year. The board will meet March 27 to elect teachers for the ensuing year.

March 19, 1914 State Superintendent of Public Instruction to Speak in Collins Recent school legislation affecting the subjects taught and equipment used in rural schools has impelled many districts in Iowa to consolidate. Collins township is so situated relative to the town of Collins that a central school could be established here and pupils living in extreme corners of the township have practically the same distance to travel.

That our people, both of the township and of the town, may have firsthand information from a responsible and impartial state official who is deeply interested in the welfare of Iowa children, Prof. Kirk has secured Supt. A. M. Deyoe for an address in connection with the annual Patrons Day Program and School Exhibit March 27, 1914. The rooms will be open for visitors after 9:30 a.m. and friends are requested to come early that they may examine the work before noon. The program will begin at 1:00 p.m. Directors of rural schools in the townships are requested to have their teachers and board members attend.

March 27, 1914 Patrons Day Patrons Day at the Collins Schools attracted a large crowd of people from country and town. The exhibits were artistic in appearance and showed the progressive work of the

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