PROGRAM Processional ........................................................Carolyn Witt
Invocation ..............................................Rev. W. R. Thompson
"Tis the Evening's Holy Hour"-(Beethoven) ....Quartette
Address: "That Unlucky Thirteen"......F. A. Welch (Editor Midland Schools)
Clarinet Solo, "The Old Refrain" (Kreisler) ................................Norman Stevens
Presentation of Awards ........................Supt. Earl R. Cope
"Recessional" (De Koven) .......................................Sextet
Presentation of Class ...............................Supt. Earl R. Cope
Presentation of Diplomas ................................Alvin Kracht, Pres. Board of Education
Benediction ..........................................Rev. W. R. Thompson
Class Motto: "The elevator to success is not running;
take the stairs"
Colors: Castilian and Silver
Flower: Red Carnation
Class Roll: Phyllis Ann Benson, Neva G. Brown, Thomas R. Butler, Coleen B. Carver, June A. Crabb, Jean F. Davis, Darlene D. Dodd, Howard H. Evans, Marie M. Haas, Ellen M. Hansen, Iona Maxine Luing, Bob W. Neale, Hazel Irene Perin, Rose Etta Pritchard, Lois A. Renfeldt, Wanda L. Satterlee, Oscar N. Serbein, George O. Sokol, Alta B. Vasey. )
May 28, 1936 The annual banquet of the Collins Alumni association will be held following commencement program.
August 20, 1936 Schools to Open Aug 31. Faculty: G. E. Holmes - Supt., General Science and Typing (First year as suPerintendent replacing Cope); Elizabeth Breeden, Newburg - High school principal and mathematics; Ellen Holmes, Collins - English and dramatics; Elma Rohrs, Shelby - Home Economics; Robert Mullen, Madrid - Athletic coach and social science; Morton James, Gilbert - Agriculture and science; Clara Signs, Collins - Junior High social science and English; Marjorie Byal, Mingo - Elementary school principal and mathematics; Dorothy Hunt, Osceola - Elementary; Carolyn Witt, Melbourne - Art and music; Mrs. Vera Vasey, Collins - Elementary science; Carolyn Witt, Melbourne - Art and music; Lila Larson, Des Moines - Second grade; Mildred Kissinger, Knoxville, First grade; J. R. Compton, Des Monies - Band; J. G. Gingles has been re-elected as custodian of school property.
Bus drivers: Dwight Luing, Maurice Vasey, Al Sward, Wayne Signs, Hugh Fertig, Carl Day, H. H. Huffaker, R. F. Schauper - 8 drivers.
September 10, 1936 Girls' Kitten ball The Collins girls have decided to organize a kitten ball team and play neighboring town. Miss Rohrs is manager.