Bus Drivers: 1934-35 – Thayne Evans, Dwight Luing, Lyle Luing, Wayne Signs, Carl Day, H. H. Huffaker, Hugh Fertig and R. F. Schauper – 8 drivers. A new bus body has been added to the fleet – will accommodate 40 students.
August 30, 1934 School opens September 3. New feature - starting of band and orchestra instructions, J. R. Compton of Des Moines will come and give private and group lessons. No charge to the parents. All they have to furnish is the instrument and instruction books. Those who have signed up for band or orchestra, be sure to see Mr. Compton some time Monday Sept. 3, preferably between 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.
September 6, 1934 Collins School opened with total enrollment of 302 – exactly the same as on the opening day last year. Ninety-eight in H. S. compared with 104 last year; 204 in grades compared with 198 last year. Typewriting (first year to offer) 28 enrolled; Instrumental music – 34. Girls Glee Club – 39.
September 20, 1934 Baseball 8-1 Kelly High the Winner
November 1, 1934 Visit school during School Education Week, 11-5 to 11-12
November 8, 1934 Girls have new basketball suits
January 10, 1935 Plan to start work on railroad overpass Highway # 64 at Collins.
Hot Lunches: Monday - Veg. Soup and fruit sandwiches; Tues. - Creamed potatoes and celery sandwiches; Thurs. - Chicken and noodles, bread and butter sandwiches; Fri. - Creamed celery and peas, peanut butter sandwiches.
January 19, 1935 The Collins P. T. A. will sponsor a program on Wednesday evening, Jan. 23 at the high school auditorium, for the purpose of raising some money for the P. T. A. welfare fund. The program consists of two plays, the first, a one-act dramatic play, �Light,� which the high school will present in the county one-act play contest the last of January. The Cast – Oscar Serbein, William Kopf, Lowell Holmes, Coleen Carver, Dorothy Tipton. The second play will be presented by P. T. A. members and is entitled, �Squaring with the Boss.� The Cast: Walter Keagle, Mrs. Byron Keagle, Mrs. L. F. Richardson, Mrs. R. G. Patton, C. E. Fish, Bobby McCord.
January 31, 1935 The Story County Basketball tournament will be held in the Ames high school field house starting Thursday, February 14 and ending Saturday night, February 16. The Three final games will be played Saturday evening. Three classes as usual are listed this season. Roland, Nevada, Maxwell, Zearing, Ames and Story City are classified in the A division. Cambridge, McCallsburg, Huxley, Gilbert, Slater, Milford, Collins and Colo in the B division. Fernald, Kelley, North Grant, Welch Jr. High of Ames and Central Jr. High of Ames in Class C division. Class B – Cambridge vs. McCallsburg; Huxley vs. Gilbert, Collins vs. Colo; Milford vs. Slater.