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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 3: Fall 1929–Spring 1935

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March 15, 1934 Collins F. F. A. Boys had charge of a program broadcast from WOI Ames last Saturday morning from 11:00 – 11:30, Mr. Collison, teacher. Talks by Oscar Serbein, Lowell Holmes, and Ronald Lafferty. Vaccination being given H. S. students this week. The vaccination is not required. Serum given in two treatments, each 4 weeks apart and cost = .50. School nurse established. Miss Reitz

March 22, 1934 Mrs. O. N. Serbein elected president of the school board. [Insert 2004: First woman president]

March 29, 1934 Operetta returns = $20

April 19, 1934 Baseball Season Opens. Maxwell 11-2, Collins Lost; Huxley 11-8, Collins Won

May 1934 An epidemic of mumps has broken out among the Collins school children.

May 3, 1934 Commencement – May 18. A. C. Fuller of Ames, Speaker – Three Jewels of Americanism. Class motto: Out of School Life, Into Life�s School. Seniors: Winfred Holmes �Wimpy,� �A� student all the way through; Charles Huntrods �Chas,� guard on basketball team 2 years; Lydia Inman, center for basketball team, student council 2 years; Charles Kassel �Dutch,� basketball team 3 years, baseball team 3 years; Geraldine Keagle �Gerry,� Glee club 4 years; Isabelle Neale �Izzy,� President student council, basketball 2 years.

Baseball: Team lost 14-2 to Kelley

May 10, 1934 Baseball: Collins 8-7 over Slater, Collins 17-0 over Huxley

May 24, 1934 Large attendance at the Collins Alumni Banquet – 186, May 18, 1934.

June 7, 1934 Collins High adds typing course. Machines ordered – Remington Noiseless model

June 21, 1934 Collins businessmen have arranged to sponsor a series of band concerts on Main Street, Collins. Band made up of local talent under the direction of Ord Smith.

August 30, 1934 The book sale and the Junior-Senior High School registration will be held on Saturday, Sept. 1, from 1 to 5 p.m. Every pupil who will be in the Junior or Senior High School please make an effort to register at this time.

The faculty of the Collins consolidated schools, which will open next Monday, Sept. 3 is unchanged from that of last year, the personnel being as follows: Earl R. Cope - Supt.; S. N. Jespersen - Principal, Social Science, Athletics; L. B. Callison - Vocational Agriculture; Miss Ember Day - Home Economics, Athletics; Miss Irene Frank – English, Dramatics; Miss Elizabeth Breeden – Mathematics, Typing; Miss Clara Signs – Junior High, Social Science, English; Miss Marjorie Byal – Grade Principal, 3rd and 4th Grades; Miss Julia Bielefeldt - 5th and 6th Grades; Miss Frances Skarshaug - Music, Art; Miss Gladys Petri - 2nd Grade; Miss Anna Corey - 1st Grade; J. R. Compton, Des Moines, Instrumental Music.

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