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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 3: Fall 1929–Spring 1935

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Leota Schlarb, Ferne Carver, Milo Dodd and Alice Haas. In order that this organization might continue and grow from year to year three members of this committee were elected to write this constitution, namely: Leota Schlarb, Ferne Carver and Wallace Inman. After it was voted for within the association, it was taken to each class for verification. It is now Collins High School Student association�s official constitution. Preamble: We the students of Collins High school in order to form a more perfect organization and develop better student attitude, do establish, and pledge ourselves to uphold and maintain the constitution and by-laws.

Collins girls came out on the long end of a 26-17 score in a game with Maxwell High Friday, Dec. 18. Collins took the lead in the first minutes of play and held it till the end. Maxwell started cutting Collins� lead in the last quarter but they were unable to even the score before the final whistle. Collins made 4 fouls and Maxwell made 8. Lineup: Doris Neale (32) – f = 4; Virginia Pritchard (33) – f = 17; Pearl Cummings (33) - f = 5; Maxine Hand (33) - c; Anderson – c; Orpha Renfeldt (33) - sc; Leota Schlarb (33) – g; Frances Kimberley (33) – g; Ferne Carver (32) – g.

Collins boys won by a score of 16-12 in a game that gave the fans plenty of thrills. The score at the half was Collins 8, Maxwell 2. Collins made 2 out of 4 free tosses, and Maxwell made none out of 7. Lineup: Elliott – f = 6; Lafferty – f = 0; H. Vasey – f = 0; Crabb – c = 4; W. Vasey - c = 0; Weld – g = 0; Halterman. – g = 2.

Collins boys lost 25-17 to Farrar Tuesday night. This game seemed rather drab after seeing the battles with Maxwell and Mingo. But just wait�ll after the holidays, and say! Wouldn�t you hate to be Colfax? The girls lost by one point, 21-20. The game was not up to the usual standard and either team got �hot� until the last quarter.

A large crowd of interested townspeople, friends, and parents attended the Christmas program given in the High school auditorium Wednesday evening, Dec. 23. The program was given by the grade pupils and consisted of an operetta and play by the 1st and 2nd grades. The teachers and pupils are to be complimented for the way in which the program was carried out.

Oscar Serbein placed first in the oratorical division of the Junior High County Declamatory contest held at Nevada Dec. 17. Oscar, who had won 1st in sub-county contest at Maxwell a week before, spoke against contestants from Ames, Roland and Slate. As a result of winning, Oscar brought the silver loving cup to Collins for the first time. If we can win it two more years it will be ours to keep. He was also awarded a Shaffer fountain pen., Oscar�s winning oration was �An All Embracing Americanism.�

Original plays written by members of the class were presented in eighth grade English last Thursday morning. Each member of the class wrote a play and those to be given were selected by a vote of the class. Every member of the class was either in the cast of one of the playlets or was in charge of props and costumes. Following are the three plays and their authors: �Rich Guy� by Oscar Serbein; �A Change for the Better� by Orville Rhodes; �The End of Notorious Joe: by Oliver Shearer.

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