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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 3: Fall 1929–Spring 1935

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According to the organization of Vocational Agriculture every boy is required to start and complete a home project before he can be given the credit he has earned in his vocational subject. These projects should be simple and yet worthwhile. In most high schools of this state, the boys prefer either hog or corn or baby beef or dairy calf or poultry.

December 10, 1931 Collins High boys lost by one point, 20 to 21, to Milford, last Friday. Slight though the lead was, it won�t happen again! The team is wide awake now, and from now on – look out! Lineup: �Dutch� Kassel – f = 6; Ober Elliott – f = 5; John Crabb – c = 0; Lyle Jay – g = 6; John Weld – g = 3.

Editorial – Snap Judgments. Are we guilty of drawing conclusions too quickly, before we have reasoned a thing out – before we have given sufficient thought so we can speak intelligently? It doesn�t seem fair to other people who have tried to make a success of some project, when somebody who has heard only one side of an argument will stick to that side without first gathering all the available material from both sides and then forming an intelligent opinion or solution. Are you going to be one of Snap Judgment�s victims?

December 17, 1931 Twenty Students Out For Senior High Declam. Editorial – What do You Read? Some people read for amusement, others for past time, and still others for knowledge. No matter in which class you may fall there is good reading material if you will only exert a little energy and find it. Life is too short to be wasted. This is another way the character has of showing itself.

The student body was given the privilege of seeing a moving picture reel of the great inventor, Thomas A. Edison, in assembly Monday morning. This movie was filmed when he and his old friend Dr. Stienmetz were last together. He was shown visiting the laboratories where the electric bulbs and tubes are made today and seeing many of the principles being carried out that had caused him so much thought years before.

The Junior High Sub-County Declamatory contest was held at Maxwell Dec. 9. The schools competing were Maxwell, Colo, Fernald and Collins. Those speaking from Collins were Oscar Serbein, who placed first in the oratorical division; Alta Vasey, who placed second in the dramatic division; and Ellen Hansen, who placed third with a humorous reading. The county contest, in which Oscar will enter, will be held sometime next week.

The fourth and sixth grade language classes have been writing themes. Those writing good stories in the fourth grade were Juanita Bates and Harold Hale; from the sixth grade Ross Tipton and Wilfred Neale.

December 17, 1931 Collins High boys lost to Mingo by three points last Friday by a score of 14 to 17. The lineup: H. Vasey – f = 0; M. Vasey = 0; Elliott – f = 9; Lafferty – f = 0; Crabb – c = 4; Weld – g = 0; Halterman. – g = 0.

December 24, 1931 A Constitution has been adopted by the Collins High School Student association. The committee is composed of Harold McCord, Wallace Inman, Daisy Mary Kimberley,

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