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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 3: Fall 1929–Spring 1935

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Prospects are bright for autumn baseball, according to a recent statement from Coach Jespersen, in which he said, �The boys have been practicing faithfully and hustling. The schedule is:

September 22 – Huxley
Oct. 2 – Zearing there
Oct. 9 – Zearing here
September 29 – Cambridge here
Oct. 6 – Cambridge there
Oct. 14 – Farrar

The Sociology class, under Supt. Cope, has composed this �Code of Ethics for a High School� by each student writing an individual copy and then selecting the things that the class believed to be the most important from the various ones and putting them together as a class project. They were then given to a committee composed of Wallace Inman, Daisy Mary Kimberley and Ober Elliott for revision. Preamble – We the students of Collins Sociology Class, in order to promote a better school attitude, being about greater school accomplishment and more progress for the individual, do suggest the following code of ethics: Article I – Relation with Fellow Students: l. Treat all other students with equal respect. 2. Maintain a respectful attitude, do not laugh at the mistakes of others, you may make mistakes yourself sometimes. 3. Have clean competition. 4. Help others in need, but do not do their work for them. 5. Pull together with other students. Be willing to be governed by the will of the majority. 6. Do not interrupt when others are speaking. Article II – Relation of Teachers. 1. Maintain a respectful and courteous attitude toward the teachers. 2. Final authority should be recognized as being vested in the teachers. 3. Maintain the same attitude when teacher is out of the room as when she is in it. Article III. Attitude Toward School and Its Activities: 1. Maintain wholesome attitude toward all activities whether you are actively engaged in them or not.

Classes Elect Officers: Seventh Grade – Pres. - Eileen Vasey; Vice Pres. – Charles Vasey; Sec�y.-Treas. – Claire Fish; Sponsor- Miss Day; Class Mother – Mrs. John Huntrods. Eighth Grade – Pres. – George Owen Sokol; Vice Pres. – June Crabb; Sec�y.-Treas. – Darlene Dodd; Sponsor – Miss Signs; Class Mother – Mrs. Davis. Freshmen - Pres. – Dwain Brown; Vice Pres. – Olive Hennick; Sec�y.-Treas. – Milo Nessa; Reporter – Lowell Holmes; Sponsor – Mr. Grosscup; Class Mother – Mrs. Prichard. Sophomore - Pres. – Isabel Neale; Vice Pres. – Lydia Inman; Sec�y.- Charles George; Treas. – Genevieve Weld; Reporter – Muriel DeBusk; Sponsor – Mr. Keeney; Class Mother – Mrs. Inman. Junior – Pres., Leota Schlarb; Sec�y. – Maxine Hand; Treas. – Virginia Pritchard; Reporter – Pearl Cummings; Sponsor – Miss Berry; Class Mother – Mrs. Weld. Senior – Pres. – Vernon Huntrods; Vice Pres. – Floyd Kelderhouse; Sec�y.-Treas. – Ralph Vasey; Reporter – Ober Elliott; Sponsor – Miss Breeden; Class Mother – Mrs. Ray Evans.

October 1, 1931 Collins P. T. A. is organized for the new school year, and officers and committees are as follows: Pres. – Oliver Shearer; 1st Vice Pres. – S. N. Jespersen; 2nd Vice Pres. – Mrs. Clare Fish; Secretary – Mrs. A. A. Vasey; Treasurer – Mrs. Ora Hanson; Program – Mrs. O. N. Serbein, Miss Signs, Mrs. Edwin Fish; Welfare – Mrs. G. A. Tilton, Mrs. C. W. Soults, Miss Byal; Social – Mrs. J. G. Gingles, Miss Day, Mrs. E. A. McCord; Education – Mrs. R. D. McCord, Mrs. Byron Keagle, Mr. Grosscup. Membership – Mrs. Wm. Carver, Miss Petri, Mrs. Bradford Stevens. The reception for the teachers on Sept. 22 was a happy occasion, since so many of our last year�s teachers have returned – and they were as cordially �received� as the new ones. Both Mr. Keeney and Miss Skarshaug have delighted the audience with vocal selections.

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