September 10, 1931 The local school has a record breaking attendance, with a total of 322 registered by Tuesday. The enrollment by grades follows: High School: Seniors – 25; Juniors – 21; Sophomores – 30; Freshmen – 30; 8th Grade – 26; 7th Grade – 25; 6th Grade – 22; 5th Grade – 26; 4th Grade – 27; 3rd Grade – 33; 2nd Grade – 26; 1st Grade – 31.
September 17, 1931 Editorial: Through the courtesy of the Collins Gazette we are again able to bring you the School News. We wish to show you what our school is accomplishing and how we are progressing in our subjects and activities. It is with this earnest desire that we present these school notes to the school patrons. We hope you will enjoy them.
State Fair Champs: Collins won first on its Collective Exhibit at the State Fair again this year, which makes the third year in succession. In order to take this place we won fifteen firsts, eight seconds, eight thirds and two fourths. This goes to show the quality of the school�s work.
Student Election: Quite a different system is being used this year in the school organization. Near the close of school last spring an election was held at which a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary of the entire high school were elected. These were Harold McCord, Wallace Inman and Daisy Mary Kimberley in order as mentioned above. Chairmen and members of the committees were also chosen and elected. Assembly: Leota Schlarb is the chairman with Helen Stevens, Lydia Inman, Elizabeth Chambers and Winfred Holmes acting as her committee. It will be the duty of this committee to program an assembly program for every Monday morning. Social: The chairman is Ferne Carver. Her committee is Lyle Jay, Dwight Luing and Isabelle Neale. This committee will take charge of all social events which involve the entire high school. Library: Alice Haas is chairman with a committee consisting of Maxine Hand, Alta Tiffany, Geraldine Keagle and Leila Stratton. These people will keep the library in order and the books classified. Publicity: Milo Dodd is chairman with Bob Sokol, Forrest Lafferty, Donald Evans and Hazel Atkinson acting as his committee. They will do all the advertising for high school events. These seven people will act as the executives in cooperation with Mr. Cope. This step has been taken to stimulate more interest and to give the students more of a feeling that they had something to do with the actual work and undertakings of the school.
September 24, 1931 The Broadcaster of School News – Staff Editor-in-chief – Ferne Carver; Associate Editor – Alice Haas; Social Editor – Isabelle Neale; Sport Editor – Wallace Inman; Personals – Margaret Huntrods; Jokes – Everett McCord.
May We Ask? As a special feature of school news this year the �Broadcaster� staff is presenting a query on topics of school interest each week. Good manners are one of the most important factors in a person�s life. Good manners at school are as important as they are any other place, possibly more so. At school, we are associating with many and various types of individuals. The following motto might be well to follow in our daily association with people: Act toward others as you would prefer they act toward you.