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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 3: Fall 1929–Spring 1935

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go to Iowa City to compete in the state contest on June 1 and 2. Our district includes schools in Webster, Hamilton, Hardin, Grundy, Black Hawk, Boone, Story, Marshall and Tama counties. The winners in our local school contest follow: Economics – Harriet Sokol 1st, Ethelyn Keagle 2nd; English Literature – Hazel Cawthon 1st, Jessie Huntrods 2nd; English Correctness – Hazel Cawthon 1st, John Haas 2nd; Physics – Earle Atkinson 1st, Glen Pointer 2nd; American Government – Harriet Sokol 1st, Hazel Cawthon 2nd; Geometry – Wallace Inman 1st, Amos Hanson 2nd; English Correctness II – Helen Stevens 1st, Iva Dodd 2nd; Algebra – Margaret Huntrods 1st, Maxine Hand 2nd; English Correctness 10 – Orpha Renfeldt 1st, Forest Denniston 2nd; General Science – Winfred Holmes 1st, Dale Atkinson 2nd.

Rev. Adamson preached the baccalaureate sermon last Sunday evening to nineteen Seniors, the Junior class, faculty, and a large crowd of parents and friends. At eight o’clock the processional was played by Miss Breeden, and the Juniors marched in, forming a line on each side of the aisle until the Seniors marched in, then all were seated. Music was furnished by a choir led by Mr. Keeney, and Rev. Hougham led the congregation in prayer. Many worthwhile points were stressed by Rev. Adamson in his address to the Seniors, whose school days are about to end.

May 21, 1931 the annual High School Alumni banquet was held on Friday evening, May fifteenth in the High school gym, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The two-course banquet was served by the Methodist Aid society. The Alumni members were ushered to their table according to the year they graduated, and the program was as follows: Prayer – Roy Mead; Vocal duet – Mary Holmes and Zola Gilley; Violin solo – Elena Mead; Trombone solo – Mr. Keeney; Class Welcome – Doris Holland; Class Response – Lloyd Patton. The subject for the toast program was “The Journey Through Life.” Miss Ada Swalwell acted as the efficient toastmistress and the toasts were give as follows: Preparation for Life’s Journey – Mrs. Arthur Vasey; Luggage To Be Taken on the Journey – Velma Pitcher; Traffic Rules and Regulations – Ralph McCord; Smooth Roads – Leona Keagle; Advice – Myrna Sokol. Mr. Cope presented the names of the girl and boy honor students whose names will be engraved on the Hollingsworth cup, left to the school in 1924. The two selected from the class of 1931 were Harriett Sokol and Earle Atkinson. All the names that have been engraved on the cup since 1924 were also read by Mr. Cope. (Insert 2004: Names omitted in news article.) The business meeting followed and next year’s officers were elected as follows: President – Curtis Marsh; Vice President – Zola Gilley; Secretary and Treasurer – Leona Keagle.

Collins Seniors Receive Diplomas The 19 members of the class of ’31 of Collins High school received their diplomas at the annual commencement exercises held Friday evening in the high school auditorium. The speaker of the evening, the Rev. C. N. Bigelow of Adel, delivered a fine address that held the attention and interest of all. Following is the program: Processional – Elizabeth Breeden; Invocation – Rev. Z. J. Hougham; “Ah!” Sweet Mystery of Life” – Girls’ Quartette; “Morning” – Girls’ Quartette; “Little Boy Blue” – F. M. Kenney; Address – Rev. C. N. Bigelow; “Bells of St. Mary’s,” “Deep River” – Boys’ Quartet; Presentation of class – Supt. E. R. Cope; Presentation of Diplomas – F. G. Pritchard, President of Board of Education. Graduates are: Earle D. Atkinson, Hazel Virginia Cawthon, J. Dwight Chambers, Floyd E. Fox, John E. Haas, Kenneth A. Haas, Inez E. Hand, Dale E. Hand, Hans Hanson, Mable K. Huffaker, Dale W. Huffaker, Jessie E. Huntrods, Ethelyn L. Keagle, A. Lowell Luing, Edwin J. McWherter, Lloyd Z. Patton, Glen R. Pointer, Arleen June Pritchard,

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