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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 3: Fall 1929–Spring 1935

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Register and Tribune. We next went to the Ford plant. Our next stop was at the city water works. After we had seen this, we were ready to start home. We arrived home quite tired, but I am sure if we had a chance to go again we certainly would. Helen Fox - Author

May 7, 1931 Tomorrow evening (Friday) and Saturday evening, the Collins High school auditorium will be the scene of the “big show” of the year – with the Senior class staging their play, “Anne What’s-Her-Name,: a comedy-mystery in three acts and a prologue. It’s said to be a lively plan and an entertaining one. A glance at the following big cast of characters will give an idea of what to expect and why you shouldn’t miss this show: Anthony Wheat (Tony), a victim of circumstances – Lloyd Patton; Burks, his valet, faithful to the end – Kenneth Haas; Marjorie, a modern young woman – Hazel Cawthon; Aunt Julia, the Judge’s sister-in-law – Ethelyn Keagle; Barbara, a flapper who “flaps” – Inez Hand; Mooney, the temperamental maid, with nerves – Harriett Sokol; Willie Peabody, the boy from next door – John Haas; Doran, a plain clothes detective – Floyd Fox; Grandma, aged 82, but with young ideas – Arleen Pritchard; Louise Byers, her companion – Jessie Huntrods; Judge Bunby, the head of the house – Dale Huffaker; Doctor Aked, a friend of the family – Floyd Fox; Nancy Brown, the girl from Rosedale – Mable Huffaker; Ebenezer Whittle, the Judge’s nephew – Dale Hand; Mrs. Ebenezer Whittle, looking for Ebenezer – Jessie Huntrods; Two little Whittles – Bonnie Jean Signs and Floyd Carver. Synopsis – Prologue; Tony Wheat’s room in the Bachelor’s Inn. Act I – Living room in Judge Bunby’s house, an hour later. Act II – Same room, half an hour later. Act III – Same old room, the next morning. Time – The present. Place – State of Alabama. Music – Collins High school girls’ sextet, and duet by Geraldine Keagle and Gwendolyn Carver.

May 7, 1931 John Crabb, Harold McCord, Forest Lafferty, Wallace Inman, Dwight Luing and William Vasey are at Veishea today, participating in the judging contest.

Collins 14, Milford 4 – There Neither team did very much in the beginning of the baseball game. The Collins boys got two scores in the first inning, one in the third, ten in the sixth and one in the seventh. The opponents ran in one in the first, one in the third and two in the seventh. Milo Dodd pitched the game which was an overwhelming victory. The rest of the lineup was as follows: Catcher – Earl Jay (32); 1st - Orville Smith; 2nd - Lyle Jay (34); 3rd – John Weld (31); ss – “Pete” Vasey; rf – Forrest Lafferty (33); cf – Keith Marlowe (32); lf – “Penny” Kelderhouse (32) and John Crabb (32). The rally in the sixth inning was what won the game for the Collins team.

May 14, 1931 P. T. A. Officers The Collins P. T. A. elected the following officers last Wednesday for the coming year: President – J. O. Shearer; Vice President – S. N. Jespersen; Secretary – Mrs. A. A. Vasey; Treasurer – Mrs. Ora Hanson.

Academic Tests On Tuesday, May 5, Collins H. S. took part in the Third Annual Iowa Academic contest tests being given in the following subjects; General Science, First Year Algebra, Geometry, American History, American Government, Economics, English Literature, American Literature, English Correctness. Every student in the H. S. took the last tests. The papers of the two scoring highest in each test, and two from each grade in the English Correctness were sent to Iowa City for re-scoring and comparison with the scores made by other students in our district on the same test. The two from schools in Class C (enrollment of 66 to 125 inclusive) in our district receiving the highest scores will

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