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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 1: 1882–Spring 1922

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county superintendents’ office. (d) shall comply with rules thereof. Examination program: 8:00 A.M. Preliminary, 8:15 A.M. Arithmetic, 10:15 A.M. Physiology, 1:15 P.M. Grammar, 3:15 P.M. Music, 4:15 P.M. Civics (not now required). There is no fee required. C. W. Kirk

May 18, 1911 Base Ball Notes. Last Friday the Collins Boys Club baseball team lost to Colo by a score of 5-4. It was a hard fought game all the way and undecided until the last moment of play. This is one game apiece for the two teams. Arrangements have not yet been made to play off the tie.

Melbourne high school team will play here Saturday afternoon 2:30 P.M. The former game with Melbourne, Collins won by the close score of 2-1. The admission. 15, and 10 cents.

Melbourne-Collins Game The ballgame between Melbourne and Collins High Schools at the Collins grounds emphasized the caliber of the Collins team. Melbourne gave their best work most of the time and did get one score, but that was all. The result of the game was 6-1 in favor of Collins. There was good attendance of the public. The interest in these contests is increasing and the fame of the Collins Boys ball team is spreading. We look for some notable contests during the holiday season.

Ball Game Next Tuesday Afternoon. The Dysart High School baseball team will play Collins High School team, Tuesday May 30 on the home grounds. Game called at 2:30 P.M. the Dysart team claims the championship of northeastern Iowa. Collins claims the championship of central Iowa. And this game will decide the championship of the state. Come out and give the boys a boost. Admission .10 and .15 cents.

June 1, 1911 To the Teachers of Story County: The Story County summer school will begin Monday morning, June 12, at 7:00 at the Nevada High School building and will be session ten days.

The Story County Normal Institute will begin Monday morning, July 10th at 7:00 in the Nevada High School building and will be in session ten days.

The programs of the summer school and institute are so planned that the work done in one is not done in the other, but the work of the two makes up one and the same course of study. The work this year will be both academic and the lecture plan.

Very sincerely yours, L. J. Scott

June 1, 1911 Collins vs. Dysart The ballgame last Tuesday between the home boys and Dysart was one of the best games played here this year. Although the boys were up against an older bunch of players, Dysart worked for all they got. This score was 5-1 in favor or Dysart, but the game was better than the score indicates. King pitched a good game and was given good support by the men behind him. Heinrich caught good, Carver starred with the big stick, Shearer at 3rd accepted 7 chances without an error. The Dysart players are gentlemen and will always, always be welcomed in Collins. The lineup of players: John King (p), Arlo Heinrich, (c), Harvey Westcott (1st), Ray Carver (2nd), Oliver Shearer (3rd), John Thompson (ss), Earl Kendig (lf), Eddie Harsh (rf), Amos Botheras (cf).

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