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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 3: Fall 1929–Spring 1935

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No. 3 – Oran McQuiston; No. 4 – E. F. Day; Nos. 5 and 6 – G. F. Holland; Nos. 7 and 8 – Earl Robinson; No. 9 – Carl Day; Spur Route – Russell Schauper.

C. H. S. Alumni Banquet Friday Evening, May 15 at the high school building, the same date as the commencement exercises. Miss Leona Keagle is secretary of the association. Committees Appointed: Lunch: Myrna Sokol, Doris Duesbury, Ethel Shearer, Blanche Hattery, Florence Mead. Entertainment: Ada Swalwell, Hilda Witmer, Ilo Carver, Elena Mead, Beulah Gearhart, Clara Signs, Charles Hattery, Arlo Heinrich. Decorating: Mary Holmes, Anna Marsh, Mildred Brown, Clara Serbein, Raymah Myers, Esther Ozmun, Vilda Smith, Gertrude Smith, Zelda Etnier, Charlotte Halterman, Genevieve Shickell, Thomas Tracy, Lowell Halterman, Lawrence Chambers, Walter Keagle.

Wednesday, May 6 we are having our annual, local school exhibit at which time work of each of the grades and from practically all departments of the High school will be on display. The exhibit is being planned so as to give you some idea of the quality of work that is being done throughout the year. For that reason, samples of work from actual class room work will be displayed. The buildings will be open to the public, both in the afternoon and evening. In the evening the P. T. A. will hold their regular May meeting, which consists of a short business meeting and a short program of 30 or 45 minutes, after which the rooms will all be open for your inspection. The teachers will be in their rooms to talk over any matters you might which to discuss in regard to their work. The best of the exhibit work will be taken to the state fair this fall. We have always made a good showing there, taking 1st prize for consolidated school exhibits for the past two years.

Much improvement has been made in the library due to the classification of the books which has just been completed by Mr. Cope, Miss Breeden and Miss Day.

Group singing led by Mr. Keeney opened the assembly period Monday morning. This was followed by a selection by the girls� sextet and a first aid exhibit by the seventh grade hygiene class. The students in the class illustrated many of the first aid cures, artificial respiration and the dressing of various types of wounds.

In preparation for a profitable year of music next year, a girls� sextet has been organized and will practice during the summer under the direction of Mr. Keeney. The members of the sextet are: Alice Haas, Geraldine Keagle, Doris Neale, Thelma Evans, Helen Stevens and Gwendolyn Carver.

Trip to Des Moines At seven-thirty Monday morning, April 20, a special bus from Des Moines was waiting at the school building to take an enthusiastic group of eighth graders along with Miss Signs, Mr. Jespersen, Mrs. Cope, Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Pritchard on an educational trip to Des Moines. By eight o-clock we were on our way. We arrived at the Capitol building about nine-thirty. We first visited the Supreme Court room of Iowa. We then visited the House of Representatives. We then went to the top of the capital building. We next visited Governor Turner. At noon we ate our lunch in the Capital and then went to the Historical building. We then went to the county jail. Our next stop was at the

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