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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 3: Fall 1929–Spring 1935

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Junior Class Party

An evening of Blarney, of compliments kind.
A surprise for Wallace, and a good time you’ll find.
We’ll honor St. Patrick, be sure to be present,
An evening of blarney and an evening most pleasant.

Brown scrolls tied with St. Patrick ribbon contained the above invitation to which thirty members of the Junior class, teachers and friends responded, gathering at the S. W. Inman home Tuesday evening, March 17, to celebrate the birthday of Wallace.

April 9, 1931 April Fool Party Last Wednesday evening the members of the Senior class were entertained at an April Fool party at the home of Miss Jessie Huntrods. Despite the condition of the roads, most of the members were present, and conducted themselves according to the rules set down for such an occasion. [Insert 2004: Most country roads were dirt. Rain = mud roads.]

Science The science classes plan to continue their study throughout the summer through a nature club that they are planning to organize. There will be two clubs under the leadership of Mrs. Ralph Vasey, one composed of the boys and girls of the third and fourth grades and another for the fifth and sixth grades. The meetings will be held once or twice a month at which time they will report all nature observations they have made. The third grade science class has been studying the change from winter to spring. Charts have been made upon which they record the time of the rising and setting of the sun, and they are comparing these with the one which they made last fall.

Third and Fourth Grades The English students have been trying their hand at writing stories and themes about their experiences. Through this work they get training in sentence structure, use of periods and capitals, paragraph division, and in title writing.

“Climbing Roses” “Climbing Roses” is a farcical mirth quake in three acts to be given by the Junior class Friday and Saturday evenings, April 10 and 11. Cast: Peggy Rose, a common little rosebud – Ferne Carver; Maggie Rose, her aunt – Gwendolyn Carver; Hazel Sommers, who has a weakness for orange blossoms – Guylia Elliott; Priscilla Prentice, unpicked dandelion – Daisy Mary Kimberley; Mrs. Warren, a leader in society – Thelma Evans; Joyce Belmont, a hothouse orchid – Helen Stevens; Winnie Clark, a little neighborhood pest – Doris Neale; Jack Archer, alias Watson – Harold McCord.

April 30, 1931 School Calendar Junior-Senior banquet – Saturday, May 2; Annual School Exhibit – Wednesday, May 6; Senior Class Play “Anne What’s Her Name” – Friday and Saturday, May 8 and 9; Baccalaureate Service – Sunday, May 10; Baseball, Story City here – Monday, May 11; Final Exams – Wednesday and Thursday, May 13 and 14; Commencement, C. N. Bigelow, speaker – Friday, May 15.

At Monday night’s meeting of the Collins school board, the following were named as the successful bidders for the school bus routes for the school year 1931-32: No. 1 – W. G. Luing; No. 2 – Floyd Kelderhouse;

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