born in Collins township was Daniel Parker. His birth took place on September 19, 1849. The first election was held in Benjamin Shenkle�s house four and one-half miles southeast of Collins, one-fourth mile south of the house on the Heath place where Noah Hyatt now lives. He was the father of Benton Shenkle, now living in Collins (1931). On that day and in that house the town was named and organized. This was in the fall of 1856. The reason for Collins being so named was because a family named Bullock, neighbors of the Shenkles, had come from New York State and their old township there was named Collins. They urged that the name of this new township be Collins. Wm. Parker, Zachariah Elliott and Wm. Carr were elected township trustees.
The Parkers, McCords, Shenkles, Bullocks, Deeters, Guys, D. Swam and Z. Elliott were the first settlers in the Collins township. The Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad was built through the township in 1881-2. Collins was laid out as a town in February, 1881. The regular train service between Marion and Cambridge began early in 1882. F. W. Cole was the first station agent. The first store was located where the present highway, Iowa No. 64, crosses the railroad track and was operated by Hidy and Hampton. [Insert 2004: Now Highway #65 with viaduct over the railroad line, which was abandoned in the 1970-1980�s.] They afterward put up a building on the corner where the brick building, owned by Vasey Bros., is located. North of this was a general store, operated by Theodore Hampton. Next door was a store built by Canada Woods, and on the corner, where the service station is now located, was the general store operated by Ozmun Bros. S. A. Rush had the first lumber yard; F. A. Leonard, the first hardware store; J. B. Hanson, the first drug store and the first bank. The first hotel was built by Riley Hampton on the lot where the present hotel stands. This hotel burned down in 1888 and was rebuilt the same year by C. P. Kintz. Wm. Chapman was the first postmaster and Joe Woten was the first blacksmith.
The first schoolhouse was a one-room building, located on the lot now owned by George Burt. [Insert 2004: Location on corner lot, west across the street from post office] The first teacher was C. E. Campbell. About two years later a two-story school building was erected north of where the Christian church now stands. John Alexander was the first superintendent of this school. The first class graduated in 1892, C. W. Lyons being superintendent.
February 26, 1931 Editorial – Who is to Blame? We hear any times that school life is not as it was twenty-five, ten, or even five years ago. In fact, to many, it is on the decline. Things are done today that weren�t done a few years ago. They are teaching the students that it is the man in the white collar that amounts to something. The complaint is often heard the students do not have time for work at home. The school is only working and trying to better equip the students to cope with the struggle when they get out. The school is merely keeping up with programs and is not deteriorating as many think it is. Should the case be as many think it to be, who is to blame? Should we blame the students, the teachers, the members of the board, or ourselves? Ask the question and solve correctly – �who elects the members of the board to elect the teachers and determine the policies of the school and who expects the most of the students. – Then the answer to the question is found and – �Who is to Blame?�
�Love Pirates of Hawaii� On Saturday evening of this week, the High school operetta will be given. The curtain rises on a garden scene of a Hawaiian seminary where Dorothy Dear is expecting the arrival