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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 3: Fall 1929–Spring 1935

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It was a different type than most school plays of late years - but in our humble opinion, that is more of an advantage than a fault. It seemed really the sensible sort of play for school-age players - and all those who attended seemed well pleased with the production. Bad weather and roads cut down the attendance considerably. The members of the cast each and every one did exceptionally well, reflecting great credit upon themselves and their director, Miss Atack. The cast was composed of Arleen Pritchard as Edith Whitman, Vernice Fish as Mrs. Whitman, Earl Atkinson as Arthur Whitman, Keith Marlowe as Captain Whitman, Ethelyn Keagle as "Gram" Pembroke, Gwendolyn Crosby as Alice Borden, Lloyd Patton as the "Black Terror," Dwight Chambers as "Gramp" Pembroke, Earl Jay as Jim Hayes, Harriett Sokol as Kay Millis, a detective; Edwin McWherter as Fred Alden.

Collins 8, Colo 3 Keith Marlowe (32) (If); Milo Dodd (2b); Laurence Dodd (30) (p); Lowell Luing(31)(c); Marian Vasey (30) (1b); Orville Smith (ss); John Weld (31) (rf); Lloyd Patton (31)(cf); Earl Jay (32) (3b).

May 1, 1930 Collins 33, Milford 3 The Collins High school baseball team turned a ball game into a track meet Friday evening, when in six innings they scored 33 runs while the Milford boys were getting 3.

Collins High School enters Iowa Academic Meet We have heard for a great many years about track meets, basketball tournaments, declamatory contests, etc., but not until a year ago has there been an Academic meet, a contest sponsored by the University of Iowa in which the local schools select, by means of examinations sent from Iowa City, the best student in each of the classes in the high school to represent them in a district state contest. The local school contest is to be held here next Tuesday, May 6, Collins having entered the following classes: 9th English, 10th English, 11th and 12th English, General Science First year Algebra, Geometry, American History, Economics and American Government. The district meets will be held May 13. There are about 375 schools in the state that have entered. This is a type of contest that is very worthwhile and should have your entire support. Collins has entered all of the High school classes for which there is an entry.

May 8, 1930 The Collins High school baseball team defeated White oak, 11 to 1, and Cambridge, 8 to 7, at Cambridge last Friday. Marion (Posey) Vasey did some nice hitting and Laurence and Milo Dodd did the pitching.

The annual school exhibit will be held next Tuesday afternoon and evening, at which time both the high school and grade buildings will be open to the patrons and friends of the school. We strongly urge you to come and see what has been done by the students this year. In the evening will be the May meeting of the P.T.A. in the high school auditorium at 8 o'clock. A short program has been arranged after which the rooms will again be opened so that those coming in the evening may see the display. The best work from this display will be taken to the state fair this fall. Collins placed first among consolidated schools in their state fair exhibit in 1929. Let's hope for the same this year.

The movie sponsored by the Junior class Saturday, May 3, was a decided success, the gate receipts totaling about $30. Everyone enjoyed the evening immensely.

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