Sept. 8, 1910 Opening of Schools. The Collins Public Schools opened Monday with the full staff of teachers: W. W. Kirk – principal, Ira McClure – assistant principal, Margaret McLaughlin – 7 and 8 grades, Emma Grove – 5 and 6 grades, Myrna Fish – 3 and 4 grades, Clara Shearer – primary grades. There has been considerable new furniture placed in the building lately, fine new cement walks have been completed leading up to the school and everything is in first class condition for a good school year.
October 20, 1910 established a high school equipment fund to raise $100. C. W. Kirk
November 10, 1910 School faculty and others returned on Sunday afternoon from Des Moines where they attended the State Teachers convention, among them being Superintendent and Mrs. Kirk, and Misses McClure, McLaughlin, Grove, Fish, Shearer, Swalwell, and Julia Anderson
Jan 6, 1911 High School, 11th and 12th grade = 9; 9th and 10th = 28; W.W. Ballard, Principal. Clinton Evans, Assistant Principal. Grammar Grades = 38, Emma Grove Teacher. Intermediate = 33, Miss Brooke Teacher. Primary, First Grade = 12, Second Grade = 14, Clara Shearer Teacher. Total = 134.
February 16, 1911 On February 18, the board of school directors will offer for sale to the highest bidder the old school building complete, including the basement, foundation, and furnace, also the 11 lots comprising the old site.
February 23, 1911 Old school building sold. The buildings on the old school house grounds were sold. The school building was knocked down to Wm. Vasey for $280. The sale of the lots was stopped before any were sold on account of the bids being too low.
March 23, 1911 School Board met Monday evening. C. G. Vasey and Oscar Anderson and newly elected members were sworn in. J. F. Lingenfelter was re-elected chairman of the board. All of the teachers were re-elected, except for the grammar grades Miss Clara Signs was elected, and for assistant principal Miss Emma Baie. (Insert: Clara Signs – beginning of 34 years at Collins School.)
April 13, 1911 The Boys Club baseball team will play their first game of the season on home ground tomorrow, Friday April 14 with the Cambridge High School team. Both teams are believed to be in good condition and a hotly contested game is expected. Come and enjoy a good game and encourage the boys. Game called at 3:00 P.M. Admission: Adults .15, children .10, ladies free.
April 13, 1911 Story County, Rural teachers’ conference.
Topic: How should the pupils study? The teacher’s part, Miss Grove. (b) The parents’ part, Miss McClure. Vocal solo, Milo Hall, “The Country Boy or Girl.”
Topic: Is consolidation of rural schools of Collins Township with the Collins High School desirable? (a) Yes, Myrna Fish and Clara Shearer (b) No, Mattie Hattery and Cynthia Mead. Vocal solo, Harold Lingenfelter, “Friday Afternoon”
Topic: How much and what sHall the school introduce that is outside of the regular work? Carrie Hattery Topic: Grading the rural schools, Superintendent I. J. Scott