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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 3: Fall 1929–Spring 1935

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Hot Lunch: Monday - Mashed Potatoes and Creamed Hamburger; Tuesday - Vegetable Soup; Thursday - Meat and Noodles; Friday - Cocoa.

March 6, 1930 Schedule of Sectional High School Basketball Tournament at Newton, March 6, 7, 8,

1930. Class B teams: Collins, Elkhart, Farrar, Kellogg, Bondurant, Cambridge, LaMoille, Maxwell, Rhodes, St. Anthony, Sully, Union, and Zearing.

The annual election of Collins Consolidated School district will be held next Monday, March 10, at which time two school directors will be elected, each for a three-year term. The ballot bears the names of Chas. R. Hattery, W. H. Robinson, N. C. Royce and Arie Van Pilsum, Messrs. Robinson and Van Pilsum are present members of the board.

April 3, 1930 Twelve Story county high schools have organized the Story County Baseball League and will play a tournament of games during April 1930. The regular tournament style of play will be followed. Members of the new league are at liberty to schedule as many other games as they wish. The league is composed of Cambridge, Collins, Colo, Gilbert, Huxley, Kelley, Maxwell, Milford, Roland, Slater, Story City and Zearing.

The use of the tournament system of play will select the county championship team before the state tournament. All games will be seven innings and the two teams involved may set the date for the game provided that it must be completed before the date set. First round games must be played on or before April 4; second round on or before April 11; semifinals on or before April 18; and the finals on or before April 25. The two teams also decide where the game is to be played. Tournament Schedule: First Round - April 4 Colo vs. Gilbert; Huxley vs. Kelley; Maxwell vs. Milford; Roland vs. Slater; Cambridge, Collins, Story City and Zearing drew byes. Second Round - April 11 Cambridge vs. Collins; Story City vs. Zearing; Winner Colo game vs. winner Huxley game; Winner Maxwell game vs. winner Roland Game. Finals On or before April 25, at a place to be decided by the two finalists.

April 10, 1930 Our first baseball game of the season will be played on the local diamond Friday at 3:45 with Cambridge. We have promises of a good team this season. Come out and support the team.

LaVonne Fisher and Ellen Hanson represented us in the county spelling contest at Nevada Saturday, April 5. There were 33 spellers, LaVonne placing second.

April 17, 1930 Collins High Drubs Cambridge: As a result of Friday's baseball game between Cambridge and Collins high school teams, when Collins swamped the visitors 22 to 2, the local team is one of the five undefeated teams of the county, and will participate in the semi-finals. Collins will play Gilbert this Friday and the game will probably be played here. There will be no charge to any of the high school games this spring. Other games Several games other than those in the tournament are being scheduled, among them being the following: April 22 - Colo here; May 2 - Cambridge there; May 6 - Colo there.

April 24, 1930 "Oh, Kay!" Was Really "O. K."! The Junior class of Collins High school presented its play at the school auditorium last Friday and Saturday evenings. It was "Oh, Kay," both in name and in fact.

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