Nov. 27 Slater here, Boys and Girls
Dec. 6 Zearing there, Boys' lst-2nd
Dec. 13 Baxter, here, Boys-Girls
Dec. 20 Farrar there, Boys-Girls
Jan. 3 Baxter there, Boys-Girls
Jan. 10 Farrar here, Boys-Girls
Jan. 17 McCallsburg there, Boys-Girls
Jan. 24 Colo here, Boys 1st 2nd
Jan. 31 State Center here, Boys-Girls
Feb. 7 Mingo there, Boys' 1st 2nd
Feb. 14 To be Filled
Feb. 20-21 County Tourney at Ames
November 28, 1929 Junior High Students have been given an opportunity this year to take part in declamatory work. There has been a great deal of interest manifested on the part of the students, 22 trying out in the preliminary contest two weeks ago. Thirteen were selected from this group to appear in our first local J. H. declamatory contest. Show your interest and appreciation of their efforts by attending the contest on Wednesday evening, Nov. 20, at 8 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Admission 25 cents and 35 cents.
Program: Oratorical - "God's Upward Plan of Peace" - Lyle Jay; "Mother" - Elzina Phares; "Song of the Open Road. Boys Glee Club. Dramatic - 'The Claim Was Met" - Elizabeth Chambers; "My Little Newsboy" - Geraldine Keagle; "Voice From a Far Country" - Alta Tiffany; "College Oil Cans" -Dorothy Tipton. Violin Duet - Lloyd Patton and Helen Stevens. Humorous - "Brother at the 'Pitcher' Show" - Lowell Holmes; "Stars and Whoppers" - Myrl Huntrods; "Hey, Ma!" - Gwendolyn Jontz; "A Mysterious Pup" - Milo Nessa; "Janice Takes Care of the Baby" - Rose Etta Pritchard; "A Temporary Permanent" - Margarette Roush; "How Flappers are Made" - Genevieve Weld. "I Saw the Moon Rise Clear" (Carrington): "Gypsy Life" (Scott) - Boys' Glee Club.
The decisions of the judges were close. In the Oratorical division, Elzina Phares was awarded first and Lyle Jay second. In Dramatic Geraldine Keagle was first and Alta Tiffany second. In the Humorous division Rose Eita Pritchard first, Milo Nessa second.
Vocational Agriculture Boys of the Ag class have taken up dairying and have tackled the job from the farmers� viewpoint. They first planned the main jobs that make up a complete course. For the next few weeks, dairying, selecting their projects and getting ready for Farmers' Institute will make up their work.
Dairy Evening School Evening school this year will take up dairy problems. This subject comes next in line with the past years' evening schools, Legumes and Swine. Dairy Evening school will be held on Monday nights starting with the second Monday in December.
"Pep" Club" Organization On Friday afternoon, Nov. 15, Mr. Kemp called a meeting, inviting all students who were interested in a "Pep Club" to attend. Thirty-two students were present at the meeting and by voting, twenty people were chosen as members for the club. Vernice Fisher and Dwight Chambers are the yell leaders; Harriett Sokol, President of the club; Dwight Luing, Vice. Pres., and Earle Atkinson, Sec'y and Treas. Consists of 15 other members. The mission of the Pep Club is to attend all basketball games, at home and other towns.
Grade Science The Science class of the third grade performed a very helpful and interesting experiment last week by baking bread. The purpose of this was to study how the different kinds of bacteria worked, of how