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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 1: 1882–Spring 1922

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by President Brooke of Toledo Leander Clark College. He gave a splendid discourse on some defect courses emphasizing as the main defect point that most courses are fitted to cater to the 2 � % that plan to go to college. 97 �% only finish the eighth grade or high school. (Insert 2003: Latin was required one or two terms as State Colleges of Iowa required Latin to enroll in college. State Colleges removed Latin near 1920 and Collins School promptly ended Latin requirement.)

Dinner followed to which 3 and 400 did ample justice. The afternoon program opened with a short paper by Superintendent Scott on “The School and the Boy ” calling especially for a closer relationship between the home and the school. No doubt the most heartedly enjoyed and favorable commented speech was that of Prof. Walter Athearn of the Drake Normal Department (Insert 2003: Drake University). His talk covered topics of general educational value. Miss Elizabeth Burney of the State Teacher’s College (Insert 2003: University of Northern Iowa) favored the audience with a splendid vocal solo. Dr. Longwell of Highland Park, being sick, was unable to appear. Professor McClennahan, High School inspector for the college was the replacement. His lecture gave a splendid description of New Mexico and that part of the U. S. known as the Great Southwest. The boys’ quartette was thoroughly enjoyed and heartedly encored.

(Insert 2003: The time schedule on the project is impressive: Petition calling for a school election signed by near 75% of eligible voters presented to school board 9-10-1908. School election and passage to issue $14,000 bonds on 10-12-1908. Public notice for sealed bids for construction of school building 1-28-1909. Bid opening and awarding contract 2-23-1909. Construction began mid-March and completion with school moved into new building November, Thanksgiving weekend 1909.)

April 1, 1910 At the meeting of the school board Friday evening, the following grade teachers were elected for next year. Principal and assistant were not decided on; Clara Shearer – primary, Myrna Fish – 3 and 4, Emma Grove – 5 and 6 grades, Gussie Brooks – 7 and 8 grades.

April 22, 1910 An excellent teachers meeting was held Saturday at the high school building. Besides many patron visitors, several teachers from Maxwell attended. Supt. Dana of Cambridge and county superintendent Scott were also present. Collins teachers attending were the entire corps of town teachers, Misses Clara Shearer, Gussie Brooks, Emma Grove, E. C. Evans, W. W. Ballard, the graduating students, Myrtle Hall, Mattie Hattery, Clara Dolph, Willie Pritchard and rural teachers Clara Signs, Grace Hattery, Hazel Hand, Alta Young, Creny Downing.

April 22, 1910 The Collins schools boys played their first matched game of baseball this season Friday, and the Colo boys defeated them by a score of 7 to 5. Saturday they went to Rhodes and took spite out on the boys there by several scores.

May 6, 1910 Baseball game at Colo. Colo 10, Collins 9.

May 24, 1910 The graduating exercises of the high school were held in the Christian Church Friday evening. The class delivered orations. The graduates were Clara Dolph, Blanche Soper, Myrtle Ball, Mattie Hattery and Will Pritchard. The exercises were followed by the alumni banquet at Graef Hall.

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