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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 2: Fall 1922–Spring 1929

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Piano Solo – Mrs. Lowell Hattery, Invocation – Rev. G. H. Varee, Vocal Duet – Selma Smith, Alice Marsh; Address – Dr. J. L. Hillman, President of Simpson college, Music – Mixed Quartet, Presentation of Class – Supt. J. E. Hollingsworth, Presentation of Diplomas – Bradford Stevens, President of School Board, Benediction – Rev. John Adamson.

May 30, 1929 Annual School Exhibit The annual showing of the schoolwork was held Friday, May 17, starting at 2 p. m. and continuing throughout the afternoon and evening. It was one of the most complete exhibits that has ever been shown. Probably one of the most interesting articles shown was the “Model Home,” which the seventh and eighth grades furnished. The 10th grade girls showed their skill in canning fruits and vegetables. The manual training boys had a fine display of their handicraft consisting of carts, trellis’s, brooder houses, tool chests, summer house, and other articles too numerous to mention. The seventh and eighth grade home room had a brilliant exhibit of booklets, posters and mottoes. The science department was represented by Wild Flower booklets and a hug Jack-in-the-Pulpit. The first and second grades furnished a complete playhouse consisting of furnished table, bookcase, chairs, davenport and pretty draperies. They also served tea and cookies to all lady visitors. There was also a large display of art work. The second grade had very beautiful music furnished by their canary, “Petee Dick.” An interesting article that was shown was a complete scene of Eskimo Land, and also an animal circus. The third and fourth grade work was mostly booklets. Fifth and sixth also had many beautiful pamphlets, booklets and showed very good penmanship. The science room had many interesting articles, which showed hard work done by the pupils. A Cecropia moth hatched sometime during the afternoon, interested everyone.

May 30, 1929 Farwell Schoolmates!

	Dear old Collins High we’re leaving,
	    And you know we hate to go,
	That although we smile, we’re grieving,
	    For we all have loved you so.
	Many days we’ve spent together,
	    Shared alike our joys and tears,
	And we’ll not forget them ever,
	    As we journey through the years.
	Wish us luck is all we ask you,
	    And, perhaps, a little sigh,
	Miss us sometimes, for we’ll miss you,
	    Classmates, teachers, all – goodbye!
			-Mildred Gearhart

May 30, 1929 Appreciation. At the closing of this school year we are losing four members of the High school faculty. Mr. Holllingsworth, Supt.; Miss Helen Ives, teacher and coach (girls’ basketball team that was undefeated.); Mr. Rawlins, math and school paper; Mr. Borough, music and dramatics. The students of Collins High school take this opportunity to express their appreciation and extend to them their best wishes.

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