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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 2: Fall 1922–Spring 1929

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Harvey Westcott, Genevieve Sinnott, Lawrence Chambers, Minnie Marsh, Anna Marsh, Lowell Halterman. Invitation Committee – Mary Holmes, Zelma Smith, Bessie Carver, Alice Burney.

May 16, 1929 The Senior class successfully presented their play, “After You, I’m Next” to appreciative audiences Friday and Saturday, May 10 and 11. The play centered around the efforts of Paul Delmon (Laurence Dodd) to create a little advance publicity for a play he is writing. He leaves all the details to his brother, George (played by Lloyd Patton) and George proceeds to fix things so that all sorts of complications and mirth-provoking situations arise. The complications start when Pansy Delmon (Jessie Robinson), an old flame of Paul’s, arrives on the scene just a few minutes ahead of his wife (Lillian Vasey), who has been away from home, and who returns very unexpectedly. The honey-mooning, adventure-seeking couple, Mary Jones (BeatRice Pritchard) and Henry Jones (Mondell Rice) arrive soon after, and provide many amusing and mysterious situations. In fact, it finally develops that their name isn’t Jones, at all, but that it is Smith. Aided by the efforts of reporter (Earle Atkinson) who is determined to make the front page, and by a rival reporter (Alma Stratton) the action is carried along to a mysterious climax. The burglar (Thurman Streeter), the grandmother (Charlotte Halterman), the stage-struck, romantic little girl (Mary McWherter) and the policewoman (Vilda Smith) helped to entangle and untangle the plot in a perfectly commendable manner.

May 23, 1929 Junior-Senior Banquet The Junior class entertained this Seniors and faculty at the annual Junior-Senior banquet Tuesday evening, May 21. The gymnasium was beautifully decorated in the senior colors – peach and orchid. It resembled and old fashioned garden, with a May-pole predominating. A bountiful four-course dinner was served at seven o’clock. The menu follows: Fruit Cocktail, Mock Chicken Leg, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Creamed Peas and Carrots in Timbals, Rolls, Radishes, Russian Salad, Wafers, Grape Cream Cake, Coffee, Nuts, Mints.

The following delightful toast program added to the success of the banquet: Toastmaster – Marion Vasey; Response – BeatRice Pritchard.
S – E – N – I – O – R: S – Gwendolyn Shuey; E – Belle Vasey; N – Jessie Robinson; I – Vilda Smith; O – Laurence Dodd; R – Mr. Jesperson.

Class Will – Alma Stratton; Class History – Mary McWherter; Class Prophesy - Kathryn Kimberley; Songs – Miss Davis and Mr. Borough.

May 23, 1929 Commencement Friday Evening Tomorrow evening (Friday, May 24) Commencement exercises will be held at the school auditorium for the class of 1929 of Collins High school. The class consists of ten young ladies and one young man, as follows; Mildred Gearhart, Gwendolyn F. Shuey, BeatRice F. Pritchard, Vilda B. Smith, Gertrude Smith, Alma D. Stratton, Thurman E. Streeter, Charlotte M. Halterman, Mary A. McWherter, Jessie A. Robinson, Lillian E. Vasey. The motto of the class is “Not at the top, but climbing;” the colors, Orchid and Peach; and their flower is the Sunburst Rose. The class sponsor is Basil L. Borough. Following is the program for the Commencement exercises, which will start at 8 o’clock.

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