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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 2: Fall 1922–Spring 1929

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April 4, 1929 Collins Evening School Banquet Friday Collins school will hold its first Evening School banquet and graduation exercises at the school auditorium tomorrow (Friday) evening, the banquet to be at 7 o’clock followed by the program and commencement exercises. Great preparations are being made for a large attendance, which will be the best expression of the people of the community for an organized agricultural program.

Detailed information has been mailed by M. W. Erwin, Vocational Agriculture teacher, to interested persons throughout the community. Special Note: In case you cannot attend the banquet come at 8:00 p.m. to hear Henry Wallace and main part of evening’s program. This is a public meeting. Following is the program. Dinner – 7:00 p.m.; Toasts and After-dinner Topics – “What the Evening School Has Meant to Me,” – by one of the pupils; “County and Township “Agriculture Co-operation” – H. P. Hanson, County Agent; “Red Pepper” – Roy O’Donnell. Commencement Exercises – “Where Does Dairy Manufacturing Begin? – Prof. Iverson, Ames; “What Brand of Farm Aid Do We Need the Most?” – Henry C. Wallace, of Wallace’s Farmer; “Vocational Agriculture Adult Education” – Prof. H. M. Hamlin, Ames. Presentation of Diplomas.

April 4, 1929 Junior Class Play Two Nights Next Week “What Anne Brought Home” is the title of the Junior Class play to be presented at the high school auditorium on Friday and Saturday evenings of next week, April 12 and 13. The play is said to be one of the latest Broadway hits, and the director, Mrs. J. M. Smith, and the cast, are working hard to make it the success that it undoubtedly will be.

April 18, 1929 The Junior class play, “What Anne Brought Home,” which was presented at the school auditorium on Friday and Saturday evenings, was greeted by good attendances on both nights, and was a clever, pleasing production, reflecting much credit both upon the players and upon their director, Mrs. J. M. Smith. The local of the play was a small village in northern Indiana, all the scenes being laid in the living room of Sam Bennet’s residence, said Sam Bennet being the local lumber merchant – ably personified by Marion Vasey. Kathryn Kimberley as Mrs. Bennet played her part well and with great ease. Alma Bennet, their youngest daughter, as played by Genevieve Shickell, did her full part in holding the attention of the audience and Herb Hardcastle (Kenneth Roush), Alma’s young man, with ambitions, drew many a laugh. Joe Streeter is going to make a fine grouchy old man if he lives up to his impersonation of Henry Bennet. Anne Bennet Purdy, the second daughter (Belle Vasey) was very likeable throughout the play, and “what she brought home” – Dudley Purdy (Laurence Dodd) proved to be far from a “dud” both as to the story of the play and as an actor. The part of Nina, the eldest daughter, was admirably taken by Mildred Brown, and Harold Smith was ______ as J. T. Raymond, a power company manager. Between acts the audience was favored with vocal selections by Miss Edith Davis and Mr. Basil Borough – and by those fine little singers “the two Johns” – Bonawitz and Patton.

May 9, 1929 On Friday evening May 3rd, members of the Collins High School Alumni association met at the home of A. F. Heinrich and the following committees were appointed to take charge of the Alumni banquet, which will be held on Friday evening May 24: Toasmaster – Ralph McCord. Entertainment Committee – Leona Keagle, Myrna Sokol, Clara Signs, Alice Marsh, Elena Mead, John Hattery, Harold Carver. Lunch Committee – Clara Serbein, Josephine Shearer, Doris Holland, Mabel Robinson, Edith Stevens. Decorating Committee – Lowell Hattery, Wm. Mead, Mildred Stratton, Walter Keagle, Esther Ozmun,

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