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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 2: Fall 1922–Spring 1929

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favor. The intermission seemed to favor the local team, however, and they came back with an offense that was non-stoppable. Joe (Streeter), alone, made 12 points in the third quarter, and he was ably aided by the other members of the team. In fact, the teamwork was functioning perfectly. Laurence (Dodd) and Ober (Elliot) scored when Joe (Streeter) didn’t, and Thurman (Streeter) and Marion (Vasey) kept the ball within the enemy’s territory.

The game was even better than the score would indicate, and in beating Huxley, the boys won from one of the better teams in the county. The boys’ coach can well feel proud over the improvement shown during the season, and we shall watch their progress in the sectional and county tournaments with interest and enthusiasm.

Because of the snows we have had the busses are being housed while the sleds are being used; some having a time getting to school anyhow.

The second grade is the proud owner of a canary. We are studying health and observing this as Health Week.

Don’t forget there is a library for the public’s use in the grade building.

March 7, 1929 School Election Next Monday The annual election of Collins Consolidated School District will take place Monday, March 11 at the Town Hall.

March 7, 1929 Collins loses to Union at Nevada - Collins was eliminated in the sectional tournament at Nevada by Union by a score of 21-16. Union caught the local boys napping in the second quarter and scored 11 points which was enough to win the game. The second half went to Collins, 3-5, but the 8 point lead which Union held at half time was too much to overcome. The boys do not play again until the County Tournament at Ames March 16; when they play the winner of the Huxley-Roland contest. (Box scores not found)

March 14, 1929 School News Sig plans to begin baseball workouts.

The ninth and tenth grades have finished their classics. The ninth took their review last Tuesday and the Tenth took their test Wednesday.

March 21, 1929 School News The Juniors have started work on their annual play. From what we hear it is to be a real one, “What Anne Brought Home” is the title. The first and second grades are busy making furniture and curtains for their playhouse which is in the first grade room.

The boys were defeated in the county basketball tournament by one point. They fought as they have all season, but were bested. The game ended the season of basketball for them. They have gained by this year’s games and next year they will fight and NOT be bested by one point. (No box scores found)

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