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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 2: Fall 1922–Spring 1929

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October 11, 1928 Collins High School is becoming more of a community service station every day. During the past ten days four cars of limestone have been ordered through the vocational agriculture department of the school. Part of these orders are due to the Legume school conducted last year, and part due to the increased interest in legumes among the farmers in general. With two cars ordered last spring and four cars now, this makes a total of 288 tons through the school. Farmers ordering limestone the past two weeks are: Wm. Sinnott - 90 tons, 2 cars; A. G. Armstrong - 50 tons; Earl Robinson, Austin Pitcher, and Steve Carr - 40 tons. A total of 10 to 12 cars predicted before the year is up. This will be more limestone than any other community in Story county has had shipped in during a year. Let your high school serve you.

The school has decided to edit a school paper. A contest was held to determine the name. Ferdell Casebolt received the prize of a year’s subscription on the name “The Broadcaster.” The following are the officers: Editor in Chief – Laurence Dodd; Business manager – Lillian Vasey; Circulation Manager – Edwin McWherter; Scout Editor – Earl Atkinson; Camp-Fire Editor – Kathryn Kimberley; Social Editor – Harriet Sokol; Athletic Editor – Carl Atkinson; Joke Editors – Mary McWherter and Mildred Gearhart; Agriculture Editor – John Hass; Home Economics Editor – Gwendolyn Crosby.

October 18, 1928 The second grade has begun work on a sand-table project on the life of the Arabs. They have made the characters and have dressed them in the Arabic dress. The scene shown is the Arabs traveling to an oasis. The fifth and sixth grades have begun work on their Geography “Work Books.”

Basketball practice began Monday. Many turned out for the practice. Mr. Jespersen has thirteen games scheduled.

The Junior-Senior play will be presented in Colo and Maxwell after playing here the nineteenth of this month.

An orchestra has been organized with Miss Davis as director and Mr. Borough as assistant.

October 18, 1928 Collins High School Now has Own Paper, Volume 1, Number 1 of “The Collins High School Broadcaster,” a three-column, four-page paper, made its appearance at the local high school Monday morning. The Broadcaster is published once a month during the school year by the high school students, and is crammed full of interesting matter pertaining to the students and their activities. Laurence Dodd is the editor-in-chief; Lillian Vasey - business manager, and Edwin McWherter - circulation manager.

From the sports we had thought of having fall baseball, but could not get enough out to practice. Nine men were the most we had out. Basketball is in the air now. Collins has a determination to win and redeem itself from the somewhat shady record of last year. Joe Streeter, Thurman Streeter and Jeff Morrison are the lettermen this year. We have some good prospects in some of the new raw material.

Miss Ives says she is going to have a winning team. She has a lot of good material. She is teaching them that good sportsmanship is necessary for success.

October 25, 1928 “Cupid Scores a Touchdown” – Scores a Touchdown! That heading may read like a bit of repetition, but it really isn’t, and it tells in a few words how the play presented at the high school

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