History of the American People; Physiology and Hygiene, Everyday Civics. �Ninth� – Theme and Sentence Book, Voc-Civics, Making a Living, Science of Home and Community.
Senior High School: �Tenth grade� – Modern History, M. O. S. books, Algebra workbook; �Eleventh� – English, Biology, American History; Electives, Physics or bookkeeping; �Twelfth� – English, Public Speaking, Literature, Rural Problems, Sociology, 2nd sem. Our Government, 2nd sem. Gen. Economics. Electives, Physics or Bookkeeping.
September 13, 1928 – 266 Enrolled by Lloyd Patton, School Reporter. The 1928 enrollment of the Collins schools totals about 266 scholars this year, there being about 116 enrolled in the junior high and high school, and about 150 in the grades. First grade – 27; Second - 30; Third – 21; Fourth – 23; Fifth – 24; Sixth – 25; Seventh – 22; Eighth – 25; Ninth – 25; Tenth – 19; Eleventh – 13; Twelfth – 12.
September 20, 1928 Vocational Agriculture The agriculture class is starting in with a good enrollment, consisting of the following boys: Earl Atkinson, Floyd Fox, John Haas, Kenneth Haas, Everett Kelderhouse, Joe Streeter, Thurman Streeter, Lowell Luing, Harold Smith, Glen Pointer and Dale Huffaker. The boys have been working on weeds, their identification, eradication, and can name at sight more than fifty of the most common weeds. One of their last lessons was the inspecting of oats and other grain samples brought from home for weed seed analysis. The boys put on a weed display during P. T. A. night. If you have any weeds you want identified, give them to the boys.
Shop Class Rope work of the most interesting and practical kind has been taking the boys� keen attention in the Farm Shop class. The boys have passed all the most useful and practical knots that are used about the home. The long splice was the very first knot and perhaps the most useful the boys worked on. The boys displayed their skill by making up a large exhibit of knots and splices that filled three tables the night of the P. T. A. The class roll this year is made up of Fay Brown, John Crabb, Ober Elliott, Donald Evans, Wendell Halterman, Wallace Inman, Amos Hanson, Floyd Kelderhouse, Forrest Lafferty, Dwight Luing, Everett McCord, Harold McCord, Vernon Huntrod, Mondell Rice, Loren Rhodes and William Vasey.
September 27, 1928 Schools – Lloyd Patton, Reporter. The following class officers have been elected for the ensuing year: Seniors: President - Beatrice Pritchard; Vice President - Mildred Gearhart; Secretary and Treasurer - Margaret Holmes; Class Mother - Mrs. Vasey; Class Sponsor - Mr. Burroughs. Juniors: President - Laurence Dodd; Vice President - Carl Atkinson; Secretary and Treasurer - Kathryn Kimberley; Class Mother - Mrs. Shickell; Class Sponsor - Mr. Jesperson. Sophomores: President - Gwendolyn Crosby; Vice President - Kenneth Haas; Secretary and Treasurer - Harriett Sokol; Class Mother - Mrs. Sokol; Class Sponsor - Mr. Rawlins.
Miss Davis has organized a girls� glee club. The following were elected officers: President - Beatrice Pritchard; Vice President - Lillian Vasey; Librarian - Kathryn Kimberley; Pianist - Beatrice Pritchard; Director - Miss Davis.
The Juniors and Seniors have begun on a play which they expect to present later in the season. It has an athletic name: �Cupid Scores a Touchdown.�