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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 2: Fall 1922–Spring 1929

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Each of the grades had its exhibit and all were very neat and attractive. Following are the names of the teachers of the various departments and grades: First grade - Miss Audrey Sherman; second - Miss Minnie Marsh; third - Miss Geraldine Emerson; fourth - Miss Doris Morrison; fifth - Miss Marjorie Byal; sixth - Miss Madge Byal; seventh and eighth - Miss Clara Signs; Art - Miss Mabel Cairns; home economics - Miss Irma Garner; English - Miss Ruth Shomler; science and history - M. S. Applegate; manual training - Supt. J. E. Hollingsworth. All of the above instructors will teach here again next year with the exception of Miss Garner.

June 2, 1927 Twenty Graduates: Alumni Banquet Last Friday evening two important events to local high school students, past and present, were held at the Collins high school building. One was the annual graduation exercises, and the other was the annual banquet of the Alumni association. A class of twenty received diplomas at the graduation exercises which were attended by about 500 people, every available seat being filled and some of the audience being obliged to stand.

This is the first class that has been under the superintendence of Mr. Hollingsworth for the entire four years, and he very naturally takes a little more than ordinary pride in the showing made by members of the class. Anna Marsh was class valedictorian, her grade being 94.25. Honorable mention is given to Verle McCord, 93.66, and Charlotte Vasey, 93.33. A number of others finished the year within a few points of each other.

The program was opened with the invocation by Rev. David Young, followed by a solo by Mrs. Clint Darling. Then Judge Hubert Utterback of Des Moines delivered a most helpful address – “Possibilities of Life” – to the graduates. The keynote of his speech was that the soul is the rudder to a person’s life – if the mind and soul are right, that person’s life will be right and successful. After a saxophone duet by C. R. Stone and Donald Wade, the diplomas were presented by Charles McCord and the benediction pronounced by Rev. C. E. Clark. Decorations for the occasion were prepared by the Junior class under the direction of Mr. Applegate.

Following is the 1927 class roll: Hazel L. Vasey, Esther C. Oznum, Ila M. Stratton, Verle B. McCord, Milo S. Pitcher, Forrest H. Crabb, Floyd B. Lafferty, Charlotte M. Vasey, M. Bernice Skinner, Lowell M. Halterman, Alva J. Hand, Dola M. Crabb, D. Irene Dodd, Anna L. Marsh, Linn E. Mills, Helen B. Smith, Freda M. Jones, Zelma B. Smith, Zola M. Gilley, Forrest E. Brouhard. (Insert 2003: This is the first graduating class with graduates who had all six years of junior high and high school in the new building.)

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