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Collins School Chronological Biography
Part 2: Fall 1922–Spring 1929

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appearance the first of this week. This gives us a serious disease to combat and we need your cooperation.

December 3, 1926 Collins High School lost a hard fought battle to Milford Friday night. The final score was 8 to 7. Although Milford won, Collins showed the best defensive work. Collins will meet them again January 28.

December 23, 1926 Declamatory Contest – Collins High School Probably the closes declamatory contest every given in Collins was held in the high school auditorium last Wednesday night. The program and winners in the various divisions were as follows:
Oratorical: The Delusion of Equality – Wayne Vasey. Thy Neighbor – Velma Pitcher. Velma Pitcher was winner in this class.
Dramatic: Tomorrow - Ivageene Signs. The White Hands of Telham – Anna Marsh. Yellow Butterflies - Zelma Smith. Zelma Smith won first and Anna Marsh second.
Humorous: The Bride - Zola Gilley. Domestic Science vs. Aunt Matilda - Lillian Vasey. Willie’s First Contest – Mildred Gearhart. Boy at the Circus - Mary McWherter. A Case of Fits - Kathryn Kimberley. Mary McWherter won first and Zola Gilley second in the Humorous.
Zelma Smith won first over all.

The first in this contest will represent Collins in the preliminary contest and the seconds will represent us in the sub-county contest. Both of these contests will be held in Collins, the sub-county the latter part of January and the preliminary on February 25th.

December 23, 1926 Collins High won an easy double header from Cambridge Friday night. The girls won by a score of 41 to 10, the boys winning by a score of 32 to 2. Both games were entirely too rough for high school games. The next double header will be January 7th when the boys and girls will play Slater at Slater. (Insert 2003: No box scores found)

The senior class of ’27 spent one of the most successful evenings of the year Saturday night at the school house. The class gathered in the home economics room for a 7 o’clock dinner, the dinner being prepared before by the girls. After dinner speeches were given by different members of the group and about 8 o’clock the class went to the show in the auditorium.

January 6, 1927 Remember the campaign against diphtheria. If you do not have a blank call Rev. Clark. The campaign started by the Parent-Teacher Association in cooperation with the state board of health is proving a success. At the present time we have a large number of blanks filled out and returned. We

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