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Story County, Iowa
1940 Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "DICKINSON"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the “Button” button in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Age Sex Relationship Birth Place Occupaton Township or Town ED
Burton L DICKINSON 6 M Son Iowa Ames Ward 4
Cheryl L DICKINSON 39 F Wife Iowa Ames Ward 1
Clara DICKINSON 41 F Wife Iowa Nevada Town Ward 1
Dale M DICKINSON 16 M Son Iowa Delivery Ames Ward 4
Doris DICKINSON 17 F Daughter Iowa Nevada Town Ward 1
Earl DICKINSON 48 M Head Iowa Farman Ames Ward 4
Earl W DICKINSON 21 M Head Iowa Teaching Ames Ward 4
Edward DICKINSON 13 M Son Iowa Nevada Town Ward 1
F J DICKINSON 41 M Head Iowa Yard Boss Ames Ward 1
Hans DICKINSON 15 M Son Iowa Lafayette Twp
Inez M DICKINSON 22 F Wife Missouri Ames Ward 4
James W DICKINSON 76 M Head Indiana Farmer Maxwell Town
LeVerne DICKINSON 28 M Son Iowa Clerk Lafayette Twp
Lyle DICKINSON 15 M Son Iowa Nevada Town Ward 1
Mae DICKINSON 46 F Wife Iowa Ames Ward 4
Margaret DICKINSON 50 F Wife Iowa Housewife Lafayette Twp
Mary E DICKINSON 20 F Wife Illinois Milford Twp
Norma DICKINSON 19 F Daughter Iowa Ames Ward 4
Ollie B DICKINSON 70 F Wife Iowa Housewife Maxwell Town
Orin DICKINSON 52 M Head Iowa Farming Lafayette Twp
R H DICKINSON 48 M Head Iowa Marshall Nevada Town Ward 1
Robert DICKINSON 25 M Head Illinois Farmer Milford Twp

Copyright ©2020–2025 Mark Christian

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