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Story County, Iowa
1930 Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "MATHIASON"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the “Button” button in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Age Sex Relationship Birth Place Trade Township or Town ED
Adeline MATHIASON aka MATHISON (1920 Census) 13 F Daughter North Dakota None Lafaytte Twp 85-18
Albert MATHIASON aka MATHEASON (Grave Marker) 32 M Head Iowa Farmer Lafaytte Twp 85-18
Alvin MATHIASON 34 M Head Iowa Farmer Lafaytte Twp 85-18
Andrew MATHIASON aka MATHISON (1920 Census) 39 M Head Iowa Farmer Lafaytte Twp 85-18
Arthur MATHIASON aka MATHEASON (Grave Marker) 6 M Son Iowa None Lafaytte Twp 85-18
Betty Lou MATHIASON 1 F Daughter Iowa None Lafaytte Twp 85-18
Celia MATHIASON 6 F Daughter Iowa None Howard Twp 85-14
Emery MATHIASON 10 M Son Iowa None Howard Twp 85-14
Emma MATHIASON aka MATHISON (1920 Census) 34 F Wife -H North Dakota None Lafaytte Twp 85-18
Erma MATHIASON 27 F Wife -H Iowa None Lafaytte Twp 85-18
Ervin MATHIASON aka MATHISON (1920 Census) 9 M Son Iowa None Lafaytte Twp 85-18
Florence MATHIASON aka MATHEASON (Grave Marker) 7 F Daughter Iowa None Lafaytte Twp 85-18
Gladys MATHIASON aka MATHEASON (Grave Marker) 29 F Wife -H Iowa None Lafaytte Twp 85-18
Mabel MATHIASON 38 F Wife -H Iowa None Howard Twp 85-14
Mildred MATHIASON 12 F Daughter Iowa None Howard Twp 85-14
Nels MATHIASON 41 M Head Iowa Farmer Howard Twp 85-14
Raymon MATHIASON aka MATHISON (1920 Census) 14 M Son North Dakota Farmer Lafaytte Twp 85-18
Robert MATHIASON 5 M Son Iowa None Lafaytte Twp 85-18

Copyright ©2020–2025 Mark Christian

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