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Story County, Iowa
1920 Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "MATHISON"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the “Button” button in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Age Sex Relationship Birth Place Trade Township or Town
Adeline MATHISON 3 6/12 F Daughter North Dakota None Lafayette Twp
Albert MATHISON 22 M Boarder Iowa Farmer Lafayette Twp
Andrew MATHISON 28 M Head Iowa Farmer Lafayette Twp
Anna MATHISON 43 F Wife Iowa None Nevada town
Arthur MATHISON 8 M Son Iowa None Nevada town
Askel J MATHISON 7 M Son South Dakota None Roland Town
Awanda L MATHISON 9 F Granddaughter Iowa None Gilbert Town
Bartel MATHISON 63 M Head Denmark Ditcher Nevada town
Carl J MATHISON 42 M Rooming Iowa Mason Roland Town
Carrol A MATHISON 12 M Son South Dakota None Roland Town
Ceola MATHISON 17 F Daughter Iowa None Roland Town
Christina B MATHISON 44 F Wife Iowa None Roland Town
Clarence MATHISON 13 M Son Iowa None Nevada town
Earl MATHISON 19 M Son Iowa Teacher Nevada town
Elva MATHISON 21 F Daughter Iowa Stenographer Nevada town
Emil MATHISON 30 M Head Denmark Manager Story City town
Emma MATHISON 23 F Wife North Dakota None Lafayette Twp
Emma MATHISON 36 F Wife Iowa None Nevada town
Florence MATHISON 17 F Daughter Iowa Stenographer Nevada town
Harreit C MATHISON 10 F Daughter South Dakota None Roland Town
Helen MATHISON 16 F Daughter Iowa Operator Nevada town
Henry E MATHISON 46 M Head Iowa Carpenter Roland Town
John MATHISON 60 M Head Denmark Janitor Nevada town
Kate MATHISON 43 F Wife Germany None Nevada town
Kattie A MATHISON 15 F Daughter Iowa None Roland Town
Leo MATHISON 8 M Son Iowa None Nevada town
Leota MATHISON 17 F Daughter Iowa None Nevada town
Marthinus P MATHISON 38 M Head Denmark Farmer Nevada town
Pete K MATHISON 33 M Nephew Denmark Contractor Nevada town
Queen MATHISON 20 F Wife Iowa None Story City town
Raymond MATHISON 4 6/12 M Son North Dakota None Lafayette Twp
Sina MATHISON 73 F Head Denmark None Nevada town
Vera MATHISON 15 F Daughter Iowa None Nevada town

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