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Story County, Iowa
1920 Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "LANDE"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the “Button” button in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Age Sex Relationship Birth Place Trade Township or Town
Albert LANDE 66 M Head Norway None Slater Town
Albert LANDE 58 M Head Norway Farmer Palestine Twp
Alfred LANDE 6 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
Alfred B LANDE 1 5/12 M Son Iowa None Washington Twp
Alma LANDE 28 F Daughter Iowa Clerk Slater Town
Amos LANDE 33 M Inmate Iowa None Milford Twp
Amos LANDE 54 M Head Norway Druggist Slater Town
Amos B LANDE 35 M Head Iowa Farm Laborer Palestine Twp
Andrew LANDE 42 M Son-in-law Iowa None Huxley Town
Andrew LANDE 86 M Father Norway None Huxley Town
Archie LANDE 7 M Son Iowa None Huxley Town
Ardo LANDE 1 6/12 M Son Iowa None Huxley Town
Arline LANDE 5 F Daughter North Dakota None Palestine Twp
Arnold LANDE 9 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
Baird LANDE 2 1/12 M Son Iowa None Huxley Town
Bertha LANDE 45 F Wife Iowa None Slater Town
Bertha LANDE 18 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp
Betsey LANDE 52 F Wife Iowa None Slater Town
Blanche LANDE 6 F Daughter Iowa None Slater Town
Bulah LANDE 8 F Daughter North Dakota None Palestine Twp
Carrie LANDE 12 F Daughter Iowa None Slater Town
Carrie LANDE 44 F Wife Iowa None Palestine Twp
Christine LANDE 12 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp
Cora LANDE 30 F Wife Iowa None Palestine Twp
Edward LANDE 39 M Head Iowa Farmer Palestine Twp
Emma LANDE 35 F Wife Iowa None Washington Twp
Gaylord LANDE 13 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
George LANDE 8 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
Jacob LANDE 40 M Iowa Farm Laborer Palestine Twp
Jacob S LANDE 35 M Head Iowa Laborer Washington Twp
Joseph LANDE 10 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
Lawrence LANDE 5 M Son Iowa None Huxley Town
Lena LANDE 37 F Daughter Iowa None Huxley Town
Lena LANDE 53 F Head Iowa None Palestine Twp
Leslie LANDE 8 M Son Iowa None Slater Town
Lewis LANDE 25 M Brother Iowa None Palestine Twp
Marie LANDE 30 F Daughter Iowa Instructor Slater Town
Nellie LANDE 30 F Wife Iowa None Palestine Twp
Olem LANDE 10 M Son North Dakota None Palestine Twp
Opal LANDE 6 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp
Palmer LANDE 1 9/12 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
Sanford LANDE 26 M Son Iowa Carpenter Slater Town
Selma LANDE 3/12 F Daughter Iowa None Huxley Town
Stanley LANDE 3 2/12 M Son North Dakota None Palestine Twp

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